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Add recording profile to presets

zossebart shared this idea 7 years ago

As was already suggested here:, it would be nice to have the recording profile selection in the presets.

I created this as a separate idea to make it possible to vote explicitly for this feature.

Replies (12)


The recording profiles in the presets would be important. And maybe the track recording settings.

When I walk I want to use the Preset Walk and want to record with the recording profile "Walk"

When I go cycling I want the Preset Bike and want to record with the recording profile "Bike".

By car - by car, etc.

Now it is just so with always the last used is set .

It would be good if you have the whole track recording settings in presets. But the recording profiles are very important.


This function is the most important


i want the whole track recording settings in presets.


Hello guys,

I was thinking about it and from my point of view, it does not make too much sense to all settings from recording profiles place into "presets". What profile will be then selected??

A lot more logical should be add "Automatic selection of preset" option into recording profiles settings. There is already automatic start of live-tracking, training manager, export and now should be added just "preset". With this, you may freely define presets as now and only in every recording profile choose which preset will be activated ( and also reverted? ) when track recording starts ( and stop ). What you think? Sounds more logical to me.


Sounds like an excellent idea but maybe trial as beta first to iron out any issues? And down the track each preset can define own set of main screen function buttons - nirvana ;-)

reverted? doesn't seem to fit with way presets currently work


Idea is also good

An idea like Locus could work:

1. day

Today I want to go hiking

I start Locus and Locus asks me what I want to do. I choose hiking

Locus knows what map setting I would like to go hiking. Locus knows what GPS and compass attitude I want. Which recording profile I want. Which sidepanel I want to go hiking.

And if I want to change something, I can do that. But the next time is the old one inside.

2. day

Today i want to go geocaching

I start Locus and Locus asks me what I want to do. I choose geocaching

Locus knows what map setting I would like to go geocaching. Locus knows what GPS and.....

3. day

Today I want to go Mountain biking

I start Locus and Locus asks me what I want to do. I choose Mountain biking

Locus knows what map setting I would like to go Mountain Biking. Locus knows what GPS and.....

While mountain biking I would like an audiocoach and a dashboard

The first step is what I do when I start is choose what I want to do. It's just 1 click and everything is as I want it. I just have to press the recording and it will be recorded as I want it.

It's just a wish idea. That would be perfect. I can not say how easy or difficult it is to program.


Hello, I liked the idea of freischneider, although I think it should be possible to indicate in configuration whether to start Locus with the "preset selection window" or to start with a default preset.

I do not think Menion is convenient to indicate the preset in the configuration of record profile, because we can have preset for occasions in which we will not record a track, for example following a geocaching. This way I can create confusion because we will have two preset selection points, either because a record profile was selected or because a preset was selected from the selection window.

From my point of view, it is clearer to define a record profile in a preset. Of course it depends on how many record profiles and how many presets each has defined ...



As "mannvommond" already writes, "It's a very different concept. There would be no presets at all. Only different application profiles. In any application profile, I can then make all settings as now in normal mode.

There is a setting that should be outside the application profile: How Locus behaves at startup.

1. Locus will ask you which application profile I want to use.

2. Locus loads the last applied application profile (for the users wherever they do the same and do not want the question at startup)

I would like to have a setting when using different. Then I change this briefly (Temporary). But on the next start, the setting is saved again, which is stored for the application profile.


Wie der mannvommond schon schreibt,: Es ist ein ganz anderes

Konzept. Es würde hier gar keine Presets mehr geben. Nur noch verschiedene

Anwendungs Profile. In jedem Anwendungs Profil kann ich dann alle Einstellungen

vornehmen so wie jetzt im normalen Modus.

Es gibt eine Einstellung die müsste Außerhalb des Anwendungs

Profil sein: Wie verhält sich Locus beim Start.

1. Locus fragt beim Start welches Anwendungs Profil ich

benutzen will.

2. Locus lädt das zuletzt verwendete Anwendungs Profil (für

die Benutzer wo immer das gleiche machen und die Frage am beim Start nicht


Will ich doch mal eine Einstellung beim benutzen anders

haben. Dann ändere ich diese kurz (Temporär). Aber beim nächsten Start wird

wieder die Einstellung geladen, die für das Anwendungs Profil hinterlegt ist.


Hello freischneider.

I think a solution of "compromise" between the idea and the current Locus schema is to give the possibility by setting open when Locus starts the selection window of presets... and complete the presets with other options, eg record profiles :) .



@ Freischneider: The Idea is good

@ Menion: What do you think about the idea of Freischneider from 2017.04.14 19:14 Uhr


Me would also interest the opinion of Menion: to 2017.04.14 19:14 Uhr


The idea of Freischneider is just a completely different concept Has nothing to do with Preset. But sounds interesting and intuitive.


It is a different concept. Then you should open a new topic. ! ?


+1, für Idee


I think it's time to bump this idea up again. I know Menion doesn't want to add everything and the kitchen sink to the presets system, but this I think is really important and logical. Just last weekend I activates my Hiking presets and forgot I had my car recording profile activated -> very bad quality of recorded track.

Presets should make it possible to activate all important settings for a specific activity with one click - and the recording profile surely is such an important setting.

Menion, you didn't comment on this so far - is there also a technical constraint or just what I said above? I think >20 supporters should be enough for a little extra setting (as long as it's not a technical problem)?!


20+ votes and small kick, are useful tools to convince me to do something useful + not so hard to implement.

Done ;)


Thank you for the Christmas present

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