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Live Tracking reply documentation

Péter “grin” Gervai shared this question 7 years ago

Hello Menion & al,

I have tried really hard to find the documentation of the receiving side of the live tracking.

It is well documented (and obvious anyway) how to send data to a custom server.

I would like to know how to send back all the gathered user data to Locus, just like the sample live-tracking site do, to make the server-recorded points to be visible on Locus map. (No google drive and "cloud" mess please, thanks. I write the server. :))

And this could well fit in the manual, too.


Replies (9)


Good day Péter,

there is currently no documentation because such feature is not yet implemented. Current live tracking system is one locus > server, but not opposite.

To better understand what you wants to achieve: you wants to send data over Locus live-tracking server and also receive data from this server and display points (received) on the map, right?


There are a thousand people on the field, all with Locus Pro obviously. They all use as the tracking server. They send their data to the server, and Locus shows every participants' position and data on the Locus map, automatically updated.

(Well exactly that seem to happen using "locus live tracking" [using someone else's server which is highly undesirable for me], but probably better to ask first instead of trying to analyse the traffic which is https...)

I do not require this to be one function, I tried to see whether there's an automagically updated remote-point-server function there but found none.

Technically the separate functions would be even better since data sending should be fairly rapid (10s - 60s) while point update should be less frequent (60s - 240s) due to the much larger data size. (I was started to pondering compression since this data would be faily compressable but I do not want to create work for you, I'm just asking. :-))

The specific usage example is OSM mapping party tracking.

(I did not get into detail that the server would like to be able to provide tracklogs for all the participants; ot that the "other side" can provide all kinds of beefy stats through a web UI, but this is probably related. If I happen to do it it'll be open source anyway, so anyone can use it to buy pro, no, I mean ;-)… to freely use it for whatever purpose.)


Thank you Péter for additional information, understand.

Your idea is identical to already existing idea here: , so I suggest to give it a vote.


This UseResponse system is pretty confusing. I do not see that in the linked topic:

  • what is the final development idea it's about? kml? it's a bloated horrorware, it's way to broad to handle simply. live point/track update? nice, but how?
  • what's implemented, what's to test? where? how? is it specified somewhere?

The topic seem to contain at least 5 distinct features, a bunch of wishlist items or suggestions, and it's not clear to me what am I supposed to do when I disagree with 5, find 3 interesting and would like something to actively support. And it's 5 years old with no visible consensus.

But I try to go there and write this, and I have voted for it, regardless of the problem that I don't know what do I vote for. :-(


Mentioned topic gives general idea to me, that there are users that are interested in feature in title.

Where there will be some news on application side, I'll write there.

Currently there are no plans to implement it, because of enormous amount of work, sorry.


What I wonder how it happens that live tracking using "locus live tracking" actually show the points of the others using same tracking "room"? Seems like exactly what we're talking about. :-)


Yep, "Locus Live tracking" use completely different system with some more advanced methods that are not available in custom live tracking system.


So the code is there. Why not make it available?

(I mean, I have my guesses obviously, but from the computer technonogy point of view it seems like an already written code begging for use.)


See my suggestion in the other thread. It may be much easier to implement and would be much more flexible, and wouldn't clutter Locus code.

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