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Magnifying lenses for quick measure of distance between two points

jimmyfromthepieshop shared this idea 7 years ago

Would it be possible to add a magnifying lens (like when editing track points) to each end of the line when doing a quick two-finger measurement between two points?

This would make it possible to see exactly where the ends of the line are. Currently when I want to measure a distance it is extremely difficult to get it exact because the ends of the line are hidden under my fingers (and I have only average-sized fingers!) making the accuracy no better than what I can estimate using the scale or distance rings.

Thanks in advance for considering this idea.


Replies (11)


Good day guys,

interesting idea. I firstly thought it will be "piece of cake" and nice task to start with today after vacation and in the end if was half day fight :).

I may gladly say that this is partially done. You will see in next version. Currently it really just display two smaller circles about start/end points of line that has scaled part of map below fingers. Current limitation is that it does not work in case of map rotation, it does not display content on map in most cases ( only scaled map itself ).

I also see issue with this "Quick measure" tool that it still keep active pinch zoom. Any idea how to decide "when to stop pinch to zoom" action? Maybe tap by third finger should keep "quick measure", but disable "pinch zoom"?


Somehow it needs to be addressed...

Maybe it would take some time out after touching two fingers without moving. After this time, pause the active zoom.

500-1000ms? You have to try. This solution seems reasonable to me.

Further addition:

Measurement and line view would also occur after this time.

It would be clear when the active zoom is active or when the measurement is already in progress.


I was also thinking about some "timeout", but from my experience, I sometimes pinch zoom quite slowly to get rounded zoom value and then it should be a problem. Anyway probably all will agree that a lot more use-friendly should be when pinch zoom and quick measure working separately, so one or another, not both at once like now.

Oki, I'll try to do something to next beta based on timeout ...


Hi Menion, first off thanks for getting started on this idea so quickly! Many other software companies should take a leaf out of your book when it comes to customer feedback...

Anyway, I think I have a possible solution to the problem of the quick measure tool and zooming happening at the same time:

If I press and hold with two fingers for a short time (I think 2 sec) then the measure tool should appear and the zoom function should be locked.

If I press with two fingers and move them straightaway the zoom should appear and the measure tool should remain invisible, even if you then pause zooming or zoom extremely slowly. The measure tool can then only be used if you remove your fingers from the screen and start again.

This way I think you can keep both functions using the same trigger but not appearing simultaneously, and you would still be able to zoom slowly to get a round value.


Hi, I think the current fast measurement tool is one of the most useful. I use it often and I do not expect to use it for a precise measurement, because there is another tool in Locus:

Geocaching Tools -> Line Tools

Try it, it works as you want

If you want to automatically switch from Quick Meter to Line Tools, you may want to open the Line Tools window after x seconds of two fingers pressed, but if you know what you need, you can directly use the proper tool.


Thanks guys. It's little bit improved in latest Beta version so feel free to test it and let me know how it works for you.


Great job tested today with the latest version


Lenses are very good feature, it allows to measure distances far more precisely! But in

some cases lenses are drawn over distance value, like in screenshot. I think

there are two solutions:

  1. Draw distance value not on line, but
    maybe in some other place, so not lenses nor fingers will not be hiding it.
  2. After raising fingers up, lenses
    must to disappear immediately, but measured value must be kept on screen for
    some seconds.

Or maybe you can combine two solutions


Good evening guys,

@Lorenzo, thanks.

@Alezy: on similar (same) issue noticed @balloni55 on forum, but to be true ... I did not wants to invest too much time into this. I hoped, it will be quick for users and for me as well :). Anyway your idea no. 2 is really good I think. So implemented. Magnifiers will be removed immediately when you put finger from display and delay till line disappear was increased from 1 second to 1.5 sec, hope this helps. Thanks


Good feature! Thank you.

But, is it possible to only show the map without POI's?


Glad you like it.

Currently it is not possible to display magnifiers without point icons. Anyway icons are not scaled so it should appear big as without magnifier for easier work with this tool.


Hi Menion, the implementation is now pretty good, pretty much what I had hoped for. A big thanks!


Tool is very good, only the circles could be a little bigger.


Q: and how do I perform this new quick measure between 2 points.

I looked in the Functions and I tried pushing the screen (all in the latest Locus Pro), but I cannot find/start it.


Sorry, found it. Did not expect a Setting for that: (trying to translate back to English):

Settings --> Maps (2nd entry) --> Map Objects --> Quick Measurement --> Activate it

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