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Allow reordering of buttons in right panel

tommi shared this idea 12 years ago

The right panel is really useful but after sometime it needs some reordering of items.

Currently it is only possible to Change or Delete a Button. If you actually want to move one button`s position for more than one line it becomes a nightmare to do this with change and/or delete.

I would really appreciate a similar method to rearrange buttons like in the Quick Switch menu.

Replies (9)



it`s not really a "nightmare", but sometimes i wish it is possible.


did you try to move a button up/down more than two positions? Change, change, ...

Btw. I was sure there will be +1 from your side :)


hrhr - you have seen my screen captured video clips. so you know my chaotic right bar ;)


same crowded stuff for me.



Yes, scrolling in the right bar could be mostly avoided if I could place my favourites in the upper part. Unfortunately my favourites change from time to time, depending on which functions I explore in Locus.


Gynta is really helping me with dokuwiki site, thank you very much!!

Unfortunately, today I discovered this (check FIXME label)

I cannot leave it as is :), so I was thinking about it. Reordering by drag&drop will be limited only on new devices and in this case will be also quite complicated to create. Someone already wanted from me just simply up/down buttons. I also discovered part of un-complete code, stuck on some problem. This is now solved and task done ...

so is this enough usable? I know, not really easier solution, on second side, 10 times faster then changing by remove/change/add click orgy :)


This would really help me a lot, though my original thought was that it should be possible in the same way as in Quick Switch, also in order to make UI operation more unique.


yes I was also thinking about it, but direct dragging of buttons on map screen is not best, because some items have secondary feature and they`ll always "jump" a little and after you drop it, they finally show this popup menu.

Also in Quick switch, there is no possibility to change orders for Android below 3.0 because drag&drop feature I use, works since A3.0+.


Fair enough, Menion. It`s really trouble for you to support all the different versions. Let`s See what jelly beans brings.

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