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Share a location from Google maps with Locus

tommi shared this idea 12 years ago

In Google maps I can make a long tap on any location and it opens a list of options for "Share location". It contains a lot of things starting with SMS, Google+, Dropbox, Fake GPS and a lot of other stuff (of course all depending on installed apps) but not Locus.

What do I need to do if I want to show this location in Locus?

I need to share the location from Maps with an app like "Fake GPS". Later I can Locus let show the current (faked) position.

Why not having Locus in the list of Apps in Maps to which the location can be shared?

Replies (27)


whats the reason to give fakegps the coords?

you can select the location directly in fake gps

i`m confused now...


I give you an example:

In Google maps I can find POIs like hotels. Fake GPS shows Google map but doesn`t show the POIs.

And so currently I have to share the hotel`s location from Maps to Fake GPS, select it there and finally I can select the faked position in Locus.


And now you want to see "Locus" as an exportoption in google maps...?


Yes, Locus should show up in the list of apps to which the location can be exported.

Btw. similar stuff is possible in the opposite direction: Locus can share location with e.g. Google Earth, Navigon.


I`m searching for some clue, how google create list of "Share" applications, but it`s internal process of Google Maps itself.

Usually when you want to create some action that other apps will handle, you ask system which app can handle this ... and this "question" is visible in system log so you may write code that will also react on this. But in case of Google maps, this "question" is not visible, so GM do it in some own way and I`m not able to simply find way to include also locus into this dialog. I think other apps (in tablet I have around 50 map apps and only two appear in this list, non of it is GPL) are there by "accident" :)


Maybe I found a description:


hmm thanks for link, it describe exactly what I need, but I have to deny this

1. intent is very general and thanks to it, Locus will appear in many other programs like some text editors etc and this I really do not want

2. as discussion in mentioned page continue, result is not precise coordinates, but only address, so I`ll then have to reverse geocode this address to some coordinates. Not best way ...


Hi Menion,

ad 1.) Strange that Locus then is an option if I tap on a text file on my homescreen:

Btw. I see that in most list of applications Locus icons are missing.

ad 2.) Not best way but no better way AFAIK. Just a few days ago I tried to support a guy who couldn`t find an address in Locus` address search (which isn`t really powerful) but in Google Maps. I explained to him how he can do it (see also my explanations in this topic about my workaround) and same as I - he finds it too much complicated.

And I say: complicated for a human but easy to do for a computer.


ad1.) i see the icons...

ad 2.) "tried to support a guy"... -> link to this forum topic? please :)


ad 1.) As I wrote: "in most lists" and not always but often and I wrote "I see". It may depend on circumstances which are not known to me but I observe these missing icons already for some time (or maybe always, I`m not sure).

But this was anyway a bit off topic, actually my comment was about Locus as an option for textfiles...

ad 2.)


@Menion: I would appreciate if you could think about this topic once again. This feature is something I was already missing at least a dozen times.


:) ... implemented ...

locus since 2.7.2 appear in Google Maps "Share this place" menu and when you choose it, you`ll get dialog with address search pre-filled with address from Google Maps


Hi Menion, you write 2.7.2 but was several days later than your comment. Should it be contained there as well (because I don`t see it but the releasenote tells "handling intent from Google Maps")?


yes it should. It isn`t? I`m checking it once more and Locus IS in list

EDIT: sorry, just discovered that I forget to enable something in testing version, so it wasn`t visible. Anyway just now is preparing new version for Google Play, so it will be there for both versions


O.k, in 2.7.2 the intent is working, locus free and pro are in the list.

Let`s give an example:

I try to share an arbitrary location, which is e.g. located here:

Münchener Straße 29, 13465 Berlin

If I share this location with a text editor I get this:

"Münchener Straße 29, 13465 Berlin"

If I share it with Locus I get this in the address field:

"Münchener Straße 29"

Not really helpful as this address exists multiple times in Germany...

I think you can improve that a little to provide the full address in the address field.

I`m still not sure what Fake GPS actually does with the data provided from the intent but it is somehow able to convert this data to a longitute latitude pair (can be seen in Fake GPS history) and this is what I actually wanted to get from Locus directly after sharing the location from Google Maps.


Actually I expected the same as it is possible in the opposite direction from Locus. However Locus shares a geohash url whereas Maps shares a url to mobile maps web site.

If I follow the link to mobile maps web site I can see the longitute+latitude pair in a text field on the site:

"52.635621,13.274561(Münchener Straße 29)"

Maybe Fake GPS takes it from there?


1) address from google maps improved, so now full address together with city (will be in next version)

2) when you share map center in Locus, you may choose what you want (if just geohash, or any other format)


>...or any other format

any? can be eg?


I mean formats that are already included, you may check by yourself.

Coordinates (text)

Geohash (URL)

Google Maps (URL)


oh ok - I thought there are new formats in the new version...


you wanna some?


hm, not really.

maybe in the future: text modules like {t} {lon} {lat},.. to create my own string.

but as i wrote - not importand yet


Hi Menion,

thanks, now it`s much better, the address is taken completely.

Remaining problem is that in the "advanced info" of the created POI the link "web page" doesn`t work because Chrome complains "404. That`s an error. The requested URL /u/m/zhklhe was not found on this server. That`s all we know".

Interesting is also that Locus is able to calculate the links to mobile maps site. Exactly the other way round (Locus converts such a link to longitude/latitude) is the actual request in this topic.


it`s not much interesting :) When you tap on "Share" in Google Maps, it send tow texts

title: Münchener Straße 29 (that`s what I used before)

text: Münchener Straße 29, 13465 Berlin

that`s whole mystery :). So now I take second text and separate it into address and URL


O.k., I understand it`s not Locus doing the calculation but takes it just from what it got from maps application.

Did you try the link from your post? For me it doesn`t work. (again the 404 error).


hmm, problem on my side. I just lowercased whole url for some matching. Now fixed and also URL works correctly


Is it possible that importing an adress from Google maps is not working anymore?

One example(copied from Google maps and shared with locus) : HaCarmel St 48, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Shows no result...

Any idea?


I think it's not depending on the language, also not working: Landwehrstraße 87-69

Landwehrstraße 87-69, 80336 München

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