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Convert Tiff/GeoTiff map to Locus

Lee Waldmiller shared this question 13 years ago

I am looking for detailed topography maps for Ontario Canada. There is a website that has free maps. I can get what I want in a .tiff file. Can I use these maps in Locus. If so, how? Is there another way to use the topo maps from this site?

I would like the map information in tile #41 to be accessible in my tablet for use off-line.

There are other GPS apps that I can use which allow the use of maps from this site, but the apps are not as good as yours. I really want to use your app, but it is no good to me if I can not get detailed topo information.

I found this site

which was made by a guy that took public map information and converted it to work in Garmin GPS. I used this file information in my handheld Garmin which I have since sold. The files are .img files. They are not from Garmin, but will work in Garmin. I do not think that Locus will work with .img files either correct?

I am not very computer savy, but will try anything to get Locus to have good detailed topo maps of Ontario Canada for the area shown in tile #41. I really have no need for any other areas than that.

As mentioned I sold my Garmin and now plan on using a Toshiba Thrive tablet with Locus and an external bluetooth GPS antenna for my trips in Canada. I just need detailed maps to allow this solution to be workable for me.

Please let me know if you have a solution for me. Thank you.

Lee Waldmiller

Best Answer

By defauly geoTiff is is not supported by Locus. But you can convert geoTiff into RMAP/sqlitedb format using Mapc2mapc SW.

Please see:

Your geoTiffs are very likely already georeferenced so you can skip section "calibrate image"

Replies (6)


Yes, img files are not readable by Locus. You need to convert TIFF file to another usable format like SQLite, TAR, GEMF or RMAP.

I personally do not convert maps, so my experiences are low, anyway task is (I'll improve this answer if anyone suggest another possibility)

Convert image file to format supported by Locus

1. Using Mapc2mapc program - here together with BUY button with 10% discount at bottom of page


I would also appreciate it if I can use tiff files in locus pro. I am downloading mapc2mapc as I type this. But in the field I don't have access to a pc. I also get setting out and layout drawing on pdf format. I convert it to jpeg and calibrate it to use as a overlay. But the detail is to bad then. It would also be awesome if I can calibrate a pdf file to use as a overlay.


Hello Jonas,

this task is really very complex. And even if we like to make this work, it has really low priority, sorry.


By defauly geoTiff is is not supported by Locus. But you can convert geoTiff into RMAP/sqlitedb format using Mapc2mapc SW.

Please see:

Your geoTiffs are very likely already georeferenced so you can skip section "calibrate image"


MAPC2MAPC will - with help from GDAL - convert GEOPDFs to LOcus


You guys really need to add geotiff/pdf functionality. This is what arcmap exports, and is therefore what professionals in the field use. For this reason, no professionals will use your app. Mapc2mapc works, but is a cumbersome which is not efficient to use on a daily basis. Currently, the PDFMaps app is the only app land managers will use.


Hi Doug,

I see but we could argue about purpose of Locus Map app. However I can offer another alternatives:

In case that you work with ArcGIS there is Arc2Earth SW. Honestly I've never tried it but it seems that you can use Arc2Earth to convert data into Mbtiles format that it's supported by Locus .

There is also solution for open source QGIS SW ( ) - plugin QMetaTiles can also convert layer into mbtiles format.

Best regards



Hi Doug,

I'm sorry you find MAPC2MAPC cumbersome - I have tried to make it as easy as possible. Please tell me how you think it cold be improved.

John Thorn


Thank you for your response Petr. Arc2Earth is a good alternative, thank you for pointing that out.

John, MAPC2MAPC is not cumbersome to me, but is not effective for masses of people to use on a daily basis. That's why everyone uses AvenzaMaps. In a fast paced environment, an extra conversion step is not efficient for people who are less technically inclined. One thing I've noticed some people struggle with though, is installing GDAL. Perhaps making that installation process more seamless would help. They couldn't figure out how to install GDAL once it was unzipped.

Petr, I am consistently asked by co-workers and customers, "What is that app you're using? It's great!" I tell them "Locus! And yes it is great!" Their next question is always, "Does it read PDFs?" When I tell them "no", and that they'll have to go through a conversion process to use it, they just forget about trying it. I just think it's unfortunate that the Forest Service, BLM, and state land management agencies, along with private forestry companies like Potlatch, Weyerhaeuser, and Hancock are all using a featureless app like AvenzaMaps. I'm sure the oil and gas industry, military, and many others are using Avenza as well. This is a much larger market than recreationalists and geocachers. All these agencies are paying $40 - $130 per year for a junk app, solely because it reads geopdf files. I just see a huge market that is not being taken advantage of, and it hurts me to know that Locus, with its great features and user interface is not seriously considering adding one feature to tap into a huge market.

I think Locus GIS could be extremely lucrative if it could read pdf files.


You can use GlobalMapper for convert geoTiff into RMAP/sqlitedb.



I'm looking for someone how can help with Global Mapper.

I have only one map that need to be converted. It make no sence to buy the program (730,- Euro) only for one map.

Who already work with this program?




Hi Dirk,

Send me the file :

No promises but if I can convert it I will.

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