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Turn-by-Turn Loses Audio While Navigating

music4all shared this problem 7 years ago

Greetings. Also, congratulations and big thanks for Locus Pro -- best outdoor nav app ever. Now with a bit of a glitch though. Since my Galaxy S6 upgraded to Android Nougat, when I navigate my TCX Courses, I can hear the turn-by-turn instructions just fine for a while. Then, sometimes, the audio just gets lost, and I can no longer hear any text-to-speech voices.

This seems to happen whenever I go off course on real-time outdoor navigation. First, I hear the Locus warning beeps to let me know I'm going the wrong way... Soon, audio for Locus Pro is lost.

Other apps relying on text-to-speech also lose audio at this time, by the way. Interestingly, when I close Locus (completely close--not just clicking twice on the Back button, but by *also* clicking on the Recent Apps button, then on the Close All, or on the "X" for the Locus app specifically), then the other apps instantly regain text-to-speech audio (without having to close them first).

I can then re-open Locus, and audio for turn-to-turn navigation text-to-speech will be back to normal in Locus too. Ahem--until this problem happens again, that is; and then I must restart Locus once again, etc. Very annoying (and not great for navigation!).

I think someone else reported a similar problem on this support forum (their problem title: "No voice command when using navigation over GPX tracks" -- I use tracks from imported TCX Courses, but I imagine there is something in common between their GPX problem and the one I'm describing here. Hmm...).

Oh, by the way, in case you wonder: yes, I have aleardy gone into settings, and tried to switch between Media and Notifications audio streams. Same thing happens on both streams. Also, as you will notice in the explanation above, TTS works just fine, except temporarily, when this problem occurs with Locus.

Again, I only noticed this problem after my Galaxy S6 upgraded to Android Nougat. I wonder though... Maybe Nougat has nothing to do with this problem, and the glitch is really just something that started with a recent Locus update. Hmm... hmm... Maybe both Nougat and Locus? ;)

Either way, I would HUGELY appreciate it if you could please look into this asap. THANKS!

Replies (21)


Good day,

firstly thank you for a precise bug report and sorry for a complications.

Best to fix this problem should be simulate it on my own device, which may be a problem here. Anyway we may try it. If you open settings for TTS in Locus ( settings > language ), what TTS engine and what language for Locus and TTS engine you use? ( best to just post screenshot of this "TTS settings screen" ).


Hi Menion,

Many thanks for your quick reply. Here are the screenshots you requested (two, total, are attached). Let me know if you need additional info, any other screenshots, log reports, etc., and I'll gladly provide.




you are using same ( I just use UK version ) localization as me and I'm sure it works correctly for me.

Oki, so it possible, try to simulate this problem and once it happen, please create a log by this method. There is no guarantee that in log will be something useful, but maybe it will. If not, I'll have to create for you special version that will print out more information into log file. Thank you.


Ok, great. Give me a few days (it might take a little while, since I don't always know when this will happen--though it usually does occur as I described in my bug report, so that should make it a bit easier to replicate). As soon as I have the log ready, I'll send it your way. More soon. Thanks again, Menion!


Hi Menion,

I created the log you asked for, by clicking on the link you provided, and following the instructions under the section entitled: "Devices with Android 4.2 and higher." I then sent the log your way (again, per the instructions).

FYI, the Locus bug happened approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes after starting a ride that I did on Sunday, June 11. The ride was about 45 miles long. Shortly after the bug happened, I did go ahead and completely close Locus (per my original Locus bug report--i.e., not just by clicking twice on the Back button on my phone, but also by clicking on the Recent Apps button and then on the "X" for the Locus app).

As always, just just by completely closing Locus, the other apps were able to immediately regain audio for their text-to-speech capabilities. All other events on this June 11 Locus bug occurrence were pretty much identical to the bug report I wrote originally, but, should you need additional info on this, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks once more, and I look forward to hearing back from you.



Good day music4all,

firstly thanks for a log. Unfortunately I did not found anything useful inside ... well, it was expected.

Based on your description, I think that problem is that Locus gain focus on audio playback ( it means that Locus Map has priority in playing of TTS sound ), but for some reason, this "focus" is not disabled.

I've added into app few more checks and focus should be correctly disabled. I've also added in app few more error logs that should be printed in case of problem. So please try next version and if same issue happen, create for me a log once more. Thank you and sorry for a complications.


Hi Menion,

You're most welcome for the log. Sorry to hear there was nothing useful in it. But I think you're correct when you suspect the issue might have something to do with audio focus. It certainly seems that way whenever it happens.

Big thanks for adding more audio focus checks and error logs. I'll be sure to try the next version. I'll keep you posted on how it all goes. And, if the same problem happens again, I'll be more than glad to create a log for you once more, yes.



Good day Menion,

Hope you had a nice weekend. I myself had a great Saturday and Sunday. Went for a couple of truly awesome rides in some seriously beautiful places. Very fun.

Sadly, the Locus audio issue did happen again. Most recently, yesterday--Sunday, June 25 (USA time). As usual, turn-by-turn navigation audio and all was going fine, until about 1 hour 20 minutes or so into the ride... Hm, maybe more like 1:25 or so... Something like that.

This time, I did not go off course. However, though I was going the right way, Locus started beeping to notify me that I was off track (though, again, I was not). Interesting. I realize GPS is not always so exact, so maybe the off-track beeps were a GPS thing. In any event, after a few seconds of this, Locus, and all other apps relying on text-to-speech, lost audio.

Had to restart, etc. Since I restarted Locus just a few moments after the audio issue reocurred, it'd be great if the restart shows in the new log. You'll more easily find the right section of the log this way, I figure.

I've sent the new log your way, as promised. I hope that this one will contain more useful info than the one I sent before.

In advance, thanks for continuing to look into this. Please let me know if I can help with more logs, etc. I look forward to your reply.



Good day,

Firstly thank you for a log. I knew this will be complicated ....

If you still try to deal with it, we have to start with special version, that will print more information into log, with hope it will tell us more.

If you case, please install this special Locus Map Free Beta version:

Use it like your regular version. What I will need is when issue happen for the first time:

  • stop Locus and remember time
  • create log like in previous case so I see possible system errors if there will be any ( in last logs there were no ... )
  • to log you will send me, attach new created logs from Locus/logs directory! There should be more precise information directly from Locus , what happen inside ...

Thank you and sorry for a complications!


Good day Menion,

You're sure welcome for the log, and no worries for the complications. Happy to continue helping in the search for a solution.

Thanks for creating this special Locus version. I will use it like my regular version and follow the instructions you posted a few moments ago.



Ok, using the link you posted, I downloaded the special Locus Map Free Beta version. I then uninstalled my regular Locus Pro version. After this, I installed the special beta app, and, as you said to do, I tried using it as my regular Locus version. However, simply trying to open the freshly installed beta app produced an error. Tried several times. Even uninstalled and reinstalled, etc. Nothing--the error always happened. I took a screenshot for you. Please find it attached. Thanks in advance for letting me know what we should do next.


Good day,

I'm sorry for a delay. May we try send attempt?

New version:

I just did not mention this before, but all these Beta/Test versions are based on Locus Map Free, so it is not needed to remove already well working and configured Locus Map Pro. Just install this side by side and after usage remove it. No need to worry about some data lost, because apps share same directory "Locus" that is anyway not removed during un-install. Thank you.


Hi Menion,

Great hearing from you again. About the delay, thanks and no worries.

Gladly, yes, let's try a second attempt. I'll download the new Beta version you just posted and follow the steps you detailed previously.

Thanks also for the extra info and clarifications regarding my regular Pro version. Good to know. Should make things easier for testing.

Will get back to you in a few days, hopefully with useful findings.



Hi Menion,

Good news! The problem happened again today--while I was using the new Locus beta version you provided. I followed your instructions, and was able to both generate the Android bug report and fetch the log that was generated by Locus.

Local time and date of recurrence: Sunday, July 16, 11:41 AM (or very close to 11:41 AM, anyway).

Great. Now, hopefully, there will be some useful info in one or both of these two files. I've sent them your way, as I did last time. Please let me know if you need any additional info.

I look forward to hearing back from you.



Good day,

ehm ... may you please tell me where you send this generated log? I do not see it anywhere. If possible attach it to this topic or send on email, thank you!


That's where I sent both files, to As last time, I shared them via Google Drive (the preferred route, per the link you sent me some time ago regarding how to generate and then send Android bug reports your way).

Hm... Although, I just checked, and UNLIKE last time I shared files with you through this route, this time I did not receive a confirmed-receipt note from Locus. I did check the address I used, and it is correct. Interesting.

Well, the only thing I can think of that I did do differently this time, was to share both files at once. Normally, this works just fine. For whatever reason, it may have caused a problem this time.

So, I'll try again, but this time, I'll send each file individually. If I do not receive confirmation this time around either, I'll then email (rather than Google-share) the files. I'll let you know, in a few moments, how this goes.

More soon...


Ok, I did now Google-share the files individually. I also re-checked the address, and, again, it is correct (

So far, I have not--like I did the first time I Google-shared files with Locus--received an autoresponse from you guys confirming receipt...

So, I'll send via regular email as well. Hopefully, you'll receive the files one way or the other. Otherwise, please let me know, and we can figure out a different route for me to send the logs your way.



Oh, guess what?? I juuuuuuuust now received, from Locus Tech Support, three autoconfirmations of receipt! :) One for the double Google-share I sent you yesterday, and two for the individual Google-shares I sent you today. So, I guess that, simply, there was some sort of a delay. Well, now you'll have the logs in duplicate! ;)



Good day music4all,

thanks for a help here. Because of your tries to send me a error log, we found out that this our help desk system was temporary broken and wasn't receiving any new emails for last three days. It's all solved now and I have both your logs downloaded.

What I see is that Locus Map tries to play two sounds. One is TTS files and second is some notification, probably on lost GPS fix or when you leave a navigation route? Anyway seems that this second notification cause a problems. It is played maybe few times and then your device starts to complain that there is some undefined error and it stop works. As a side effect, it maybe block other apps from playing it's own sounds.

Do you have defined any notification as I mentioned? If so, try to temporary disabled it.

EDIT: I have just rewrote part that play these smaller notifications, so we will see in next version.



Good day Menion,

You're sure welcome. Glad your help desk system is up and running smoothly once again, and that you were able to download the logs. Awesome. And the logs did have in them the info you needed for troubleshooting! That's super great!!

In answer to your question, yes, you're right, I do have the Locus "Out of route" notifications enabled. And, yes again (as I mentioned earlier), I did notice that, sometimes, when I went out of route, Locus would start notifying me that I was off track until, soon, all text to speech audio was lost, etc.

I see your EDIT. Ultra-cool. Ok, I'll be looking forward to next version then! In the meantime, in case you might find them useful, I'll attach (here, to this message on the forum) three screencaps showing how my Locus "Out of route" settings are configured.

Thanks for your most, most excellent help with all of this.



Good day music4all,

new app version is already published on Google Play so please let me know if there will be any progress.

Thank you,



Good day, Menion,

Thanks for your note. Glad you asked for a progress report. I'm happy to inform that, at least so far, it sure seems you've completely fixed the problem. FYI, I did download the new app version a few weeks ago, when it first became available (there have been a couple or so additional updates since).

So, I've had a chance to test it pretty extensively. I'm impressed. The new app has no problems at all in this respect. Let's hope it continues to work as it is now. I'll be sure to let you know otherwise, but, happily, it doesn't seem like I'll need to--which is totally awesome.

Thanks for your excellent diligence with this. I rely quite a large bit on Locus Map for my outings, so it's great to have it back in full working order.

You are so THE BEST :). Thanks again. Cheers!



citam tento problem a....

pocas posledných asi 2 mesiacov (intenzivne pouzivanie) som mal obdobny problem no Locus som nepodozrieval lebo mi prestavali fungovat vsetky (okrem systemovych defaultnych) zvuky v mobile a nevedel som preco.

Ked Eliška prestala rozpravat jedina cesta bola restart mobilu.

Pocas cesty 3500km to uz syn - navigator robil automaticky.

Dufam ze to bola prave tato chyba tu popisovana a ze to uz bude OK.

Typicky sa to dialo pri navigacia, upozornenie POI, Oznam mimo trasu, GPS fix/off. Myslim alebo si neuvedomujem co este vydava zvuky v Locuse ;-)

Ak sa tento problem zopakuje tak dam vediet.

Uspech je ze je znamy pachatel :-D


Oki guys,

hope that for both of you, issue will be fixed :).


Neviem v krorej verzii to uz malo byt opravene ci uz v 3.25.5 alebo az v tej co bude nasledovat?

Dnes po dlhsej dobe pouzita navigacia a POI upozornenie a pred krizovatkou sucasne povel a POI alert a TICHO!

Nutny restart zariadenia pre znovaspustenia audia.


[CZ] ah škoda. Oprava kterou jsem dělal, by měla již být v poslední veřejné verzi kterou máš. Sleduj to prosím ještě, jestli se to stane opakovaně pouze v okamžiku kdy má zaznít více povelů najednou, díky.

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