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Recording profiles are not finished

elmuSSo shared this idea 12 years ago

So we have recording profiles. Cool. But they are nor finished.


Im choosing profile "Walk", it has orange colour, walking guy icon, and some accuracy settings. Nice.

But when I stop recording, I still need to choose the type of the track "Car,Walk,Train..." Weird.

If I already chosen the type of my track, why must I choose it again? It should be automatically marked as default. another thing: why was I choosing orange colour for my track if this colour will be visible only during recording and will not be saved to track`s properties ( it will be blue(default colour) again , and red in KML file (after export). There should be some persistence. If Im choosing orange in my profile, I would like to have it orange. This would be much better visible when you have 50 tracks visible to distinguish their types by the colour. also in KML file.

Another subidea:

Sometimes Im recording a track, during which I use several types of transport. Eg.: train,bike,train. I would like to change the type of my track DURING the recording, and then change it again, in the moments wen Im changing mean of transport. As a result I would get ONE track divided into coloured parts (representing each mean of transport). It would be much easier to change the recording profile than stopping recording, saving the track and then starting recording again.

Replies (4)


Agree with characteristic (color) of tracks. We’ll discuss it.

Regards Petr


Hmm there are two problems

1. choosing of category is now required. Before an month, there were no own categories, only some predefined, so it had sense, anyway now, it`s really up to you which category you choose

2. color during save is set to color define in settings > misc > import. This is because my idea was that you`ll have specified color for recording and tracks that are already recorded will be with different colors. So you`ll not have same colors on map (only one recorded track at once and rest in imported colors)

so if more then one person say, that it better to save tracks with color and style of currently recorded track then as color define on separate place, I can of course change it

about subidea: sorry, but it`s not possible. Track can have only one style applied, not many for separate parts


In v3.0 the recording profiles were reworked completely, e.g. they are not saved any more in /Locus/data/track_rec but somewhere else. I'd appreciate if elmuSSo's first suggestion setting a default track folder would make it into the new profiles, so e.g. after stopping recording a track with profile "for mapping", in the folder list, the folder "todo in osm" is chosen by default (as defined in recording profile).

About the colors, well, I am not unhappy to have default color of currently recording track (defined in profile) and default color for existing tracks (defined in track folder) so it's easy to tell apart new and old.

Another thing I would really like: Let us active/deactivate "Record NMEA" per recording profile. I only need NMEA data during mapping in JOSM, as exported GPX tracks "only" contain pdop which JOSM can't process (we had several topics about that stuff), so in JOSM I import GPX for the track's waypoints and NMEA for the track with accuracy information. Hence, I want NMEA files to be written in recording profile "for mapping" and not in profile "for rough geotagging of photos" (where 1 point each minute is fully sufficient). This would save battery and card space (a NMEA file quickly get over 50 megs). And that people are mapping for OSM is a precondition for most maps and thus for Locus, so Locus shall make mapping convenient ;-)


Since last two years, a lot around track recording has changed. And I think that since next Locus version 3.8.0, will both major requests completed.


1. style of recorded track may be used also when track is stored to internal database

2. since next version, will be possible to define default folder where track will be stored. So if you define track record profile name "car", you may create a folder name also a "car" and track record profile then set, that all tracks recorded with this profile will be stored to folder "car".

Minor idea about different coloring for parts with different track recording profiles, is not possible. Anyway solution should be this idea .

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