This object is in archive! 

Has "Import data" got a file size restriction now?

Nils-Erik Östman shared this question 7 years ago


I'm a member of the major RV-club here in Sweden. As a service to our >14.000 members we publish POI-data for various units like Garmin etc. For Locus map we generate a zip-arcive containing an Icon i bmp, data in gpx and a folder with subfolders containing pictures for almost every of the > 4000 pois. That archive is about 160 Mb today and slowly growing in size as more pois are added.

This has worked out perfect for some years now, but after some of the latest updates of Locus it now failing. If I try to import the zip Locus tells me "No Points or tracks for the import i the file(s)". If I unpack the zip and deletes most of the Pictures so that the new zip gets a size or about 32 Mb I can import my file again.

Any soloution? There is a lot of members using Android units as GPS



Replies (8)


Good day Nils,

sorry to hear about new troubles with Locus Map app. I expect you use latest Locus Map version 3.25.2 and problem still occur right?

Then, it is possible to get from you a file for test purpose, so I may simulate, explain or fix a new problem? You may share it with me privately if needed on email. If this is a problem, set to all points same coordinates or just corrupt data somehow, thank you!


Oops that was a Quick response! I have sent the link you need to get the file.

I'm using the latest update for Locus map.



Good day Nils,

thank you for a bug report. Issue is probably in Locus Map itself, but problem seems to be unknown encoding in zip file for certain special characters.

More precisely, directory named "Rumõnien" cause a problem. Also "hbk_bilder\Norge\Ostfold\°rje_bobilplass.jpg" and some more probably. Is it possible for you to write zip file in UTF-8 only, or simply remove these special characters?



I Think you are on to something here. These characters has been in this file for years but only recently causes problem.

The guy that is "baking" the files will look into the matter.

The cause must be the import module since I imported the file you got before I updated Locus map, without problem.

After my last update to 3.25.2 all pois are still there.

I will get you an update in the matter here.



Good day Nils,

unfortunately cannot agree. I just installed Locus Map version from May 2017 and it has exactly same problem. I also checked source code of import system that handle extraction of zip files and it wasn't changed this year at all!

What may affect this behavior is Android version. Weren't there any update of your Android device for example?

I would like to help here more, but even after an hour searching, I'm unable to figure out how to get correct encoding of filenames in zip file. Solution is really to use UTF-8 based files names, this should cause no problem to Locus Map and other apps as well.


Good day Nils,

I'm working a little more on this problem. I've found out that your zip file is packed with CP437 encoding which cause a problems to Android devices. I'm improved import system that it will firstly use default Android method ( with UTF-8 ) and if it fail, it will try this CP437 encoding. Unfortunately this option is available only from Android 7.0+ , not for older devices, sorry.

Really suggest to pack your zip file names with UTF-8, that should solve problem even for older devices.

Also, small suggestion: make your default icon with transparent background (not white) and make it at least twice big, it is really blurred on high density screens.


Good day Menion,

Thanks for your assistance! We have now cleaned out all "illegal" characters in the file names, there was 5 of them.

Now the import works good. How I was able to import the defective file into my Galaxy before updating to the last version of Locus, I don't know. In my folder data/import I have a folder containing the Icon and folders with pic's also the ones with "illegal" characters.

We can put that behind us and look forward to new features in Locus map.



Good day,

glad to to hear it.

I have to smile a little, because to be true, I have also absolutely no idea how it may be possible it worked before :).

Hope that you users will be able to update to new file version quickly.

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