Show nearest points along current navigation track

Andrew Heard shared this idea 7 years ago
Gathering feedback

The Nearest Points list currently shows all relevant points within a diameter of about 10km. When I am riding along a navigation track and want to determine how far to the next shop or ATM or water, all the points behind and off to the sides are generally of no relevance. At present in Settings there is a check box for Visible Points. My suggestion has 2 parts... If navigation is enabled show another check box for "Along track". Then only points within say 1km either side and only in current direction are listed.

Part 2 - add another check box like Basic points for POI points. Then the solution is complete.

Replies (10)


I would like to add to the idea two options for route planning (not Navigation, but it goes into the same direction):

a) Search/Show POI along currently routed route (+- x mi/km) so you can plan your route accordingly (for example with gas stations or rest areas).

b) Search for POI in a segment of n to m mi/km from route start (again diverting up to x mi/km from the route). The application here would be that I can say: I need to refill gas in approx 150-200 km - how can I quickly include this into my route planning? Or: I want a break after the first 100 km, where would be a restaurant along the currently planned route?


Oh, seems like I asked for something similar today...

For me it is the most wanted functionality. Being able to populate the map with POIs close to a track.


for points and LoMaps POIs. All in one folder for POI alert.


yes, the idea is very good. Great for holidays.


It is also good for geocaching on a hike:

Search Geocache 200 meters, left and right of the track. Put them in a folder. Set POI alarm for this folder.


For a long journey by car:

Search in LoMaps POI for all gas stations and restaurants. 5 km to the left and right of the track.

search only in specific LoMap POI categorie (transport / gas station __ and __ food drink / restaurant, Fast.Food)

Put them in a folder. Set POI alarm for this folder.


@ freischneider - good example. This indicates that the width either side of forward track needs to be configurable. One size will not fit all applications. Eg. for me cycling, maybe +/-1km, for you car 5km, geocache 200m.


ja, sollte die Breite verstellbar sind

Sie auch in der Lage sein sollten , zu entscheiden , welche Punkte Ordner gesucht werden ,

es wäre schön , wenn Sie auch die LoMap POI suchen könnten. Und es kann , welche Kategorie wählen

The result (found points and LoMap POI) then into a temporary folder. and then set the POI alert for this


+1 for Idee !!


Pleace, It's good if it works according to the location coordinates - even without tracks and routing. ;)

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