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gps status - transfer of coordinates problem

Patrik Sistik shared this problem 12 years ago

When I want to search for a cache using Gps status, the coordinates are not transferred from locus to gps status. Simply said, i cannot see the green final point in gps status. This problem turned in with 2.8.3 update

Replies (20)


There was a cleanup of the UI in this area in 2.8.x. Seems the behaviour is a bit different now.

I gave a recommendation to a different user ( which helped.

Maybe you can do it the same way.


Unfortunately that is not a solution for me. The internal compad (radar) is working fine. But the Gps ststus seems not to receive the coordinates. I was very happy seeing that i can access the gps status now, but without having the target coirds in gps status makes it hard for me. Could anyone check whether it is just my problem or a common one? I have Samsung Ace 2


Hmm, strange,seems that I get the green POI displayed in GPS status (SGS 3 with JB 4.1.2)

Forgive me if I`m asking silly questions now, I`m no cacher.

Why do you need this external tool at all?

Can`t Locus internal compass/radar do what you need?

What do you actually need more than guiding you to a point with a certain distance and a direction?


Well let me explain it. Basically the internal tool would do the job. But with gps status i get better orientation in space while i can see in one green dot the direction and also distance. With locus tool i need to watch the arow and also the number with distance. Silly i know but it is more natural for me. Also for close distance it is much more comfortable than the flying arrow. Next, i do not know why but gps status gets much quicker and stable lock.


Understand what you mean regarding being more intuitive due to being graphical.

Will check GPS status regarding lock, sounds strange and interesting.

Sorry, but I feel you need for Menion to come back from holidays.


I have to withdraw my statement it is working on my phone.

I just checked a point very close (few meters) to my current location and so I did not recognize that GPS status uses my current location and not the point`s one.

So I think I can confirm this to be a general bug.


hmm may confirm that by tapping on "Radar" in tools menu of point, GPS status do not receive point name and location

Anyway with some testing, for me seems that this had to work in same way before. Weird. By comparing older code, I added some parameters that are send to GPS status, so please check this version

if it will not work, I`ll have to write to author of GPS status


Unfortunatelly, the problem remains


There is one other thing i spotted regarding coordinates in Locus. When i am saving a cache for offline use the location data (the coordinates) are greyed out so i cannot edit them directly as it was before. I do not know whether this is by intent but it makes it a bit more complicated to update the final coords for a mystery.


...basically, the coordinates are not visible at all. Maybe this is also somecause of the problem, dont know


About field with "coordinates". It`s intent. To update coordinates of cache, you have to do two taps more to start editing. On second side, most people do not need directly edit coordinates and older solution was quite confusing .... "some crazy numbers, what are these?" :)

as I think about it, i should save you tap and some moving. What about long-click on black pen that will directly open dialog for coordinates editing?

and about gps status - I wrote yesterday email to author of this program, so we have to wait till he answer, because I`m not able to solve it by myself


The long click would be really great help. Thank you for all your effort.


a long click activate the last choosen action.

sounds good


I wrote "What about long-click on black pen that will directly open dialog for coordinates editing", not last choosen action :). This is also solution, but imagine it ... I`m sure, you`ll sometimes not know, which action will be now triggered. I think that long click - dialog for coordinates edit, will be fine


>you`ll sometimes not know, which action will be now triggered

the last action is readable in the textbox...

Files: shot.png

ah you mean start this as a last action? Does it make sense? Tapping on" map center", will pick current map center? Tapping on last added point, will start "point picker"? Gynta, i really think, that long click that start editing, is best and mainly clear solution


> that long click that start editing, is best and mainly clear solution

yes, for those who want to enter the coordinates... ;)


> long click starts editing

I can live with that, but would love to see the description and the notes when editing the coordinates. (as asked before)


finally problem with missing target when opening GPS status from Locus found. Author was not responding, so after some tests, problem found

new released version will be probably in the end of this week, so I`ll gladly receive confirmation that problem is solved


Great news. Big thanks for your effort Menion

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