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Setup is confusing

gabrielantonio shared this question 6 years ago


Make it clear on the website that this is a 32-bit program, so people aren't left searching for a 64-bit version, or wondering what they are downloading.Change the wording on the Unpack setup to make it clear this is NOT the actual program the user is installing. (The Installation Instructions could be simplified [too many words] but the Unpack and Setup steps need to be separated.).Either clean up your mess after the program installation or let the user know that the Unpack folder is not a secondary folder and the files within are not needed by the program and can be deleted.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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Replies (1)


Good day GabrielAntonio,

there is probably some missunderstanding. You wrote on Locus Map (Android application) help desk email. In our application, there is no visible difference between 32/64 bit version and also nothing like unpack during install etc. Am I right?


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