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Reversing of updated coordinates to their original values

Patrik Sistik shared this problem 12 years ago

I have a problem with final coordinates of a mystery/multi that keep reversing to its original coordinates. This problem does not repeat automatically with all caches with updated coordinates, but it happens spontaneously. The only way I was able to replicate this bug was, when I have selected a cache with updated/edited coordinates, and selected to navigate with gps status. (the gps status radar cannot have any point selected previously - needs to be blank). After I switch off the gps status, the coordinates of the cache are reversed back to their original, but the cache keeps the red star (as to display the updated coordinates). It also happened to me when I have tried to navigate to final with Sygic, but iwas not able to replicate this situation. This bug started on my phone with 2.8.3 (I have skipped 2.8.2)

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..btw, is there any way to get back to 2.8.1 ... legitimatelly? This version worked for me like a charm :)


Hello Patrik,

way is ... I can send you this version on email, anyway much better is to fix any problems then getting older version.

Say me please source of your caches. Are you storing them in Locus database? Or better, if you can in a few short steps write me how you get caches (PQ, add-on with import, without import, live map, other source) and a way how you edit coordinates etc. I`m sure, this problem will have solution, I just need to know a way to be able to repeat this problem


Basically, I am using Geocaching4Locus add-in - Live map, once I have final of a mystery, I am clicking the cache, press the "+" button, directly rewrite the coords and save. Once saved, I click on the final coords (the icon of cache with the red star on top), and let Gps Status navigate to the final (it just does not work properly I know). Important is, to have GPS status without any location points (GPS Status-->Locations---should be empty). Once I switch off the GPS Status and look at the Final of a cache, the coordinates are back to original (also on map you can see the icon on its original position), but it has the red star (as to display it contains computed coordinates).


I need to pull this issue back. Again i am experiencing this proble. Having live map i click a cache, press `+` directly rewrite the coords and save. After i click the cache with updated coords and return back to map, the cache is on its initial position and edited coords cleared (cache icon has the red star though). It is realky driving me mad. Can anyone replicate this problem?


I forgot to mention its not happening exlusivelky everytime. Not sure what is the driver of this problem


Hi Patrik,

sorry for a long no-response.

I`m checking this and ...

1. enabled periodic updates and live map in add-on

2. click on any new displayed cache, click on "+"

3. change coordinates and store cache in database

4. result is that cache is moved on map to another place and is marked as found right?

5. then I move with map out of this are and return back.

6. result is that from add-on are loaded new caches and also new cache

So in the end, I see on map my own cache from database with red star (stored in database and edited) and also same cache but originaly downloaded from add-on without red star and on default coordinates.

Is this your situation?

If not, I need to know, if you have checked "Basic info only" in add-on settings. Because if so, that it mean that cache will be downloaded from internet when you`ll need to do something with it. It also affect below settings "Download rest info on show" in add-on.


Hi Menion,

thanks for response.

to your points:

1-4 perfectly ok

but after this I have different problem

5. once the "edited" cache is saved and can be seen on another place of the map (with the red star), I click on it (the redstar cache) again - to see listing etc., and try to navigate to it (I use GPS status)

6. When I switch the navigation off and look on the map again...I can see the "redstar" cache on the returned same place as the original cache, meaning the edited coordinates are reverted to their original values.

And yes, I have the "Basic info only" checked

This "bug" turns out spontaneously, not every time. What I do now, I am just adding new points to the map with final coords (instead of directly rewriting the cache coordinates) but you know, this is like scratching your left ear with right hand....

Thanks in advance for your help. Locus is my favourite app.


btw... to your 4th point, no its not marked found, its marked as computed....

sorry I have overlooked this point


ad 4, sure sorry, I mean this ...

anyway are you sure that in the moment you start some external navigation, you`re navigated on correct new coordinates? I`m worried that even GPS status should navigate you on old coordinates.

Please try to set these params

in add-on:

"Download rest info on show" - once

in Locus > settings > geocaching

"Keep data during import" - checked

This have to work damn :).


I have everything set as you mentioned.

Regarding the external navigation...well,this is the case I experience these problems most often.

From time to time it happens that I just click on the redstar cache and return to the map (without navigating) and its back to its original coordinates.

Btw. you gave me an seems that anytime I click on the redstar cache...its showing "updating the cache" and AFTER that the coords are returned.

I will try to make a video of this....let me see whether there is any app...


yes this is what I expect. It`s because Geocaching4Locus update your cache! and also probably change your coordinates.

You may try to firstly tap on cache `+` button and store it without change of coordinates. Then tap on stored cache, wait till loading is complete and change coordinates now. Every next tap on it, should open cache immediately (in case you have set "Download rest info on show" - once )


Unfortunatelly, saving it first and consequently updating it does not help. Still the same issue. I think i will create the video this evening so you can see this.


Here is the video (slovak only)


Hello Patrik,

thank you for the video. Seems clear to me what`s going on, anyway have no idea why this happen. May you please check this new test version of Geocaching4Locus?


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