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Position Lost Notification

Rogemar shared this question 7 years ago

Is there a delay in the notification when your gps lost its fix?

Replies (2)


Hello Rogemar,

delay ... hmm if I remember correctly, this notification is played in moment, Locus for more then one minute does not receive new valid GPS location. So yes, it has a delay one minute since last valid GPS location.

If there is something more you needs to know, feel free to ask.



Hi Menion,

Thanks for the immediate reply, as usual. Could there be an option to minimize the delay or an immediate position lost notification when the gps lost its fix (only if practical and/or feasible)? That is to avoid losing points during track recording so when we are notified, we can just stop for a while and wait for the gps fix. It's just a concern in my case as I'm documenting uncharted trails, and I'm only using Locus ever since as the best app for me.


And may be during track recording would be useful notification when GPS accuracy is not enough for adding new point of track (from track settings) insted of notification about gps lost position completly.


Yea, for example if you keep your phone in the backpack and it does get covered by other backpack content by accident. You will loose the trackrecording without any notification. Dmirty Lesev you should consider to create a idea for position lost nofication based on accuracy filter to find out how many people does use accuracy filter to imrpove there tracks.


I did get an Issue in past while using BT GPS managed by locus where the GPS Satelite icon was green but GPS fix was 2 hours old.

Based on which data does the notification gets fired?

Based on same data like GPS Satelite icon state green or based on time to last GPS fix?

I'm not sure if it got fired on this strange error state because during that day I did only have onetime notification active and miss to activiate repeating notification option.


Good day Falco,

thank you, I've found an issue in notification on BT GPS system. I've improved it so hopefully it will be working as expected in next version, thank you.


There is no way to appreciate your work enoght. I know huge products where even critical important incomplete features didn't get fully implemented in 2 years because only 1000 people did vote for it an threshold is arround 2500...

And on Locus Pro a complain from a single person did get implemented in minutes!

Locus is like a large wishlist where you can tick everything you want and get everything you want :D


Hehe, I'm not so sure :).

We have here also some interesting ideas, where for example synchronization of data has almost 200 votes and it's old idea and still not yet implemented. So not everything is so sunny, But the stuff around GPS system is currently a hot topic, so I want's to have all set up correctly and working.

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