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Display Settings dont work

Christian Tesch shared this problem 6 years ago

I'm using the Locus Map Pro version 3.31.3 and I have a problem with the display settings: as soon as I enable „Screen on/off control“ or „Always Screen on“ the display turns dark every time I change the screen. If I then press the home button of the smart phone I return to the previous screen. Also the intended display function does not work. For example the automatic turning on of the screen during navigation or the controll by gesture.

I read somewhere, that the display settings of Locus Map may interfere with the display settings of the smart phone so I changed the settings of the smart phone to display-timeout to the longest possible period, which is 10 minutes. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S7. With my Android-Version (8.0.0) it is impossible to switch off the display timeout completely.

What can I do?

Replies (9)


Good day Christian,

I develop Locus Map app also on SGS7 with Android 8.0, so we use exactly the same device => it should work.

Let's start with "Always screen on" function which is technically simpler. Please disable "Screen on/off" feature and give it a try. With "Enabled" > "Always" and leaving Locus Map on the screen, the screen still turns off after defined time by the system?


Hello Menion,

thanks for the quick answer! The "Always screen on" function works. The screen stays on.


Oki perfect, so "Always screen on" does not seem to cause trouble.

Let's focus on "Screen on/off control". From what I know, people from time to time has troubles with enabled "turn on/off" by the gesture. Gestures are based proximity sensor and this is placed at top of the screen. So sometimes move with the hand close to top edge of the screen cause turn off of the whole screen. So may you try this function with disabled support for gestures? Thanks


Thanks, that was already a good hint. It may be the reason, my screen turned off lots of times before.

The "Screen on/off control" works partly: the control by gesture (wave once and wave twice) work in turning off the screen, but it can't be turned on again by the same gesture. Even if I set the "Disable screen lock" to "All screen locks" it doesn't turn back on by gesture.

The other function I need is the turning on of the screen, during navigation, when there is a change in direction (obviously, I want to save battery power, so the screen should only turn on, when I need it). This does not work. If I don't use the screen it turns off after 10 sec, according to my setting, but it doesn't turn back on, when there is a "notification" during navigation. As I understood it, this function "Turn on when notified during navigation" is just what I need.

I also tried to change the app-permissions of Locus Map in the system-settings to "prevent phone from sleeping" with no change.


Understand. Confirmation that this function should work is navigation notification you hear from Locus.

This means, that Locus Map should speak navigation command by voice, defined in settings > Navigation > Select voice. Does this happen? Do you hear any notifications like "After 100 turn left" when you walk/ride etc?


Yes, I hear notifications, but anly as long as the screen is on. As soon as screen is off, I hear nothing.


Ah maybe we finally have a core of this problem. This is something I definitely have to improve during next month.

But meanwhile, please try to enable "Run Locus Map as service" in settings > Miscellaneous. Hope this will solve these troubles. Sorry for complications!



I set "Run Locus Map as service", but the problems remain.

I'm curious: isn't this function of the screen turning off, to save battery power and then automatically turning on, when there is important information during navigation a central, important function for most users? I imagine especially, when you're hiking or biking for several hours, maybe also using other apps meanwhile, such a function should be vital. So - aren't there other users who have the same issue, or does this function work well on other devices?

Thanks for your help!


Does not help? Ah, hard life of Android 6+ users.

Please check also battery optimizations on your device: .

I'm sure, this is one of the very used features, I personally use it always on every trip and it works correctly. Anyway, problem here is not the function itself, it will work correctly, I'm sure. Problem is that the whole app stop work when you turn the device screen off, so we have to solve this problem. It is anyway quite a common problem and in most cases, it is because of enabled optimization in users device or missing mentioned "Locus as service" option.


Hello Menion,

I disabled battery optimization for Locus, but the problem is still there. I'm not using any other battery optimization app or memory locker or gps locker. But: I found, that my previous statement, that I hear notifications, only as long as the screen is on is wrong. I can still hear notifications when the screen stays off.


Hello Christian,

weird. I was during weekend driving around 400km by car, for a whole time navigated by Locus Map on SGS7 and no problem with this function.

May you please create a backup of settings in Menu > More > Backup manager > Backup of settings, and send me it? I'll restore your settings in own device and try to simulate this problem.

Also please check your system settings > Locks screen and security > Other security settings > Device admin apps. Here should be Locus Map with "enabled" green checkbox.

If none help, I should only create a special app version that will print out into text file some useful information that may help me detect a source of your troubles, if you are interested. Sorry for complications and thanks for the patience.



Ok. Device admin apps: Locus Map was enabled already. I did a settings backup, but have to work out how to access the file. Its automatically stored in the samsung cloud, which I can't access from this mail app. Working on it. Thanks for your efforts!


Hi Menion

The backup of settings and sending it to you turns out to be difficult. A backup of the settings works per Samsung account or Google account, but I can't find the backup file afterwards.

I also installed "MyPhoneExplorer" but with that I can't do backups of the settings.

Any idea?


Hello Christian,

you probably search for some device's system for backup. As I wrote, please use Locus Map internal backup system available in menu > more > Backup manager. After you tap on "Backup of settings", app creates a small backup file in Locus/backup directory in the root of your internal memory.


Aaaaaaah yesss. Here comes

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