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Default name for OSM Export

Piotr Konefał shared this idea 6 years ago

I export a lot of track to OSM. It will be good if Locus will copy name of track to OSM name.

Replies (5)


Good day Piotr,

unfortunately, your request is not clear to me. Do you want to copy top "Export name" into "Description" field? Why this?


At the moment, the last name is remembered by default in the "Description" field. I think it would be better if the default name was the name of the given trace.


Good day Piotr,

sorry, but I still do not get it.

Until I get

  • a better description of this idea that clearly describe your request for unskilled OSM user like me
  • reason why this should be useful for more users
  • a little more votes

there is no chance to move forward here. Thanks for understanding.


Well. I will try it even easier to describe it :)

Current state:

After entering the "Data export" screen, we see that the default value of "Description" is the text from the last export.

Status requested:

After entering the "Data export" screen, I want the default value "Description" to be the name of the trace.

Please note that the "Export name" field is not displayed anywhere in OpenStreetMap. Only the name "Description" is shown in OpenStreetMap.

From a practical point of view, the field "Export name" is unnecessary.

It is a facilitation that will help you identify the route in the OpenStreetMap more quickly. At the moment I need to manually enter (or copy) the value of "Description" with every export.


Hello Piotr,

perfect, this ""Export name" field is not displayed anywhere in OpenStreetMap. Only the name "Description" is shown in OpenStreetMap." is clear to me.

So it looks to me that we may remove "description" field and use defined "name" as description value (it is a lot easier for me to remove "description" field then top "export name" field.). Possible?


Yes, it will should be OK


Oki fine. Consider done ... will be in next 3.37.0 version. Thanks.

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