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Theme for self created vector map cannot be selected

Burkhard shared this question 5 years ago


I've sucessfully created a simple map of few elements from OSM data with OSMOSIS (Version 0.47) and the MAPSFORGE map-writer (Ver 0.10.0).

To test the maps, different definition files (tag-mapping_xxx.xml) were used to select the OSM-tags.

All these external maps are loaded and displayed in LOCUS with different design.


For these maps the Theme cannot be switched, as only the internal general theme can be selected in LOCUS.

What's the error and how can it be fixed?

Replies (2)



please edit header (tag <rendertheme ) in your theme and check attribute "version". Use at least version="4" if you use new version of map format

Thanks, Petr


Hi Petr,

thank you for the answer!

I guess the osmosis parameter "tag-values=true" causes the problem,

for an overlay map rendered with "tag-values=true" only the internal general theme can be selected in LOCUS !

After creating the map with "tag-values=false" the desired theme can be selected in LOCUS !

Thanks Burkhard :-)



thanks for info. The parameter "tag-values=true" is used in mapsforge map version v5. Locus doesn't load this version at this moment. However we'll prepare some improvements in next months for loading this map version.

Thanks, Petr

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