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Unwanted information on maps

Stephan shared this question 5 years ago

Many times, mainly in woods I got the red marked information on my screen. Especially in populated areas this information is not shown. In former versions I was not bothered by this information. What is wrong?

Replies (4)


I have forgotten to link the picture.



Dear Stephan,

I'm sorry but I'm not sure what do you mean with "red marked info"? The red cross signs on the paths or the value '214 m' ?

Thanks, Petr


Hi Stephan,

this field displays name of the street you are on. It is rendered by the routing service. When you are in the woods, the street is "unknown". When you are in a city, there is name of the street.


Hi Michael

I love your reading.

I have written:

"Especially in populated areas this information is not shown." I meant, in towns villages this field is not shown, I never have seen a streetname.

The routing engine is Brouter. Brouter does not provide street names.

This field is only shown sometimes, not always. The most times the screen looks like



Hi Stephan

my observation:

if i use GraphHopper it looks like your first screenshot

- names of streets are displayed if available


with long click on top left button you can change between "2 houses icon" and "3 skyscaper icon"

- if "2 houses icon" is visible displayed street name is your current position

- if "3 skyscaper icon" is visible displayed street name is the next following on your route and in this case, if you reach the street of your final destination the name will change to "unknown street"

if i use BRouter or Yours it looks like your last screenshot

- names of streets are not available and top line is hidden



As I said, I am always using Brouter. So why is shown this information?


Stephan, provide please exact steps (and start, end coordinates, routing profile) to simulate the same situation on own device. Thank you.


Good day Stephan,

thanks for the shared backup. Except for names of streets, this top panel also displays the name of via-points you want to pass. And this is your case.

I'm aware of workaround you use with via-points to achieve your use-case. Maybe even this "top panel" problem may be solved with correctly working "route-priority" feature?


Perhaps would be the best idea, to provide only the information, if there is a information. If people use brouter and Andromaps, the system can not get any information, because there are no information provided. So do not display that non-existing information and do not waste the space of the screen for nothing.


For your information.

I had this weekend a funny experience. I used Openandromaps ML, but in the map file was also a Lomap. On very rare moments was shown the name of the village I am passing. But only for some meters, and not in every village. But never a street name.


Hello Stephan,

I'm not sure you understand me. Via-points are made to allow increase importance of certain point along the route. In case, you decide to use any via-points, app try to notify on it. Because of this, top panel with the name of via-point is visible if you approach it. Dynamically changing visible content (like showing/hiding of panel) during single right is not our style, app display in top panel simple "Unknown street".

As I wrote, the solution should be correctly working "Route priority" recalculation which may remove your need to use via-points instead of common shaping points.

We also plan to do bigger change to design of whole navigation screen, so I'll definitelly take this possible problem into consideration.

Thanks for understanding.


I have understood, this panel show the name of the via point, not where I am. I am right?

In my opinion the big issues of via points are:

  1. It is very difficult to figure out the distance of the via point. If you do a full-day trip, you want to know in the forenoon, how many kilometers you have to cycle till you get lunch. In my opinion and experience is the distance more important than the information, what is the name of via point.
  2. Jump to a special via point on the map, without scrolling.
  3. It is hard to see a via point on the map, because the icons are very small. Bigger and noticeable icons by default would be nice.

Suggested solution:

See this screen shot.a2150522831e4e3c3fdbb7d22f7d7734

Give the top panel three cells instead of two cells. Than allow to do long and short taps.

Short taps allow to give further information, which are relevant. In my interested case of via points.

  • The cell show the distance to the first via point
  • Short tap a list pop up, which shows the distance and name of all via points. One can tap on a via point and jump to the via point on the map. It should be also possible to change the order of the via-points (This possibility and list should by also avialable in the routeplanner)
  • Long tap. Same reaction like tapping now on the cell. You can change the content of the cell.

Perhaps it would be also clever, if the panel, where you can choose, which content a cell should have, would also show the value of the cell. For better understanding.

b3ac3297d1253476727d21196dfa3e1cThis popping up panel should disappear after 5/10n seconds.


Good day Stephan,

thanks for tips and suggestions. All three points in your post are perfectly valid and I fully agree with them. I also think that it worth more changes in the UI then you describe. We are currently trying to finish bigger changes in the map system. Right after that, I'll most probably need to rework screen with track detail and then (hope somewhere in August 2019), I'll definitely start work on the better navigation screen. So I noted your three points and will return to them during this year.

Anyway to the original mentioned problem: sorry, I do not have a quick solution for you for now.


@ Stephan

(+/-) similar ?

Text box limitation by (only) two (adjustable) fields. Add field 3 and 4 ? Disadvantage: Less map vieuw caused by the extra text boxes. Such halted the discussion. As I suppose many users do not want to give up map space for some extra text boxes ?


If the cells needs only one line, there is no loose of mapspace. But looking to osmand, you can make the fields/panels transparent, and so you have more mapspace, instead the panels use the same space or more space like in Locus.

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