Search in track waypoints?

Tom Gilson shared this idea 5 years ago
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There doesn't seem to be a way to search for text that was entered when adding a new Waypoint when track recording. When I'm recording a track it is very useful to Simply add a waypoint with a photo or video of a place. that way when I display the track I've got all the photos and videos right there on the map. Beautiful! However when I search in points or tracks none of the description text I entered is searched.there seems to be no way to get back at the description of these waypoints. So one day I come across a house on a certain trail that has goats and geese. So I take a photo and add a description with the keywords goats and geese. However a year from now I remember where was that house with goats and geese? Alas, I can never get back at that text. It is lost forever embedded in that description that is never searchable. However if I had added a normal point, that is searchable, but not nearly as nice as the track Waypoint. Am I doing something wrong or is this an oversight?

Replies (2)


Issue confirmed by a short test record.

Yes, there is a difference.

a. Standard free waypoints (poi). Points inclusive description are saved into point folders.

b. Track waypoints. (+ add point at record). Track & points inclusive description both saved into track folders.

A search into (all) tracks folders > No result.

Probably Locus is only searching into the track descriptions ? (not deeper)

btw The point description is not lost as when displaying the (correct) track find the waypoints inc. description.


Yes, Please include these Waypoints in the search.


Hello Menion, did you see this? I am going to send this request, so I have found this.

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