Add slope percentage in elevation chart on selected point

Tristan Stanic shared this idea 5 years ago
Gathering feedback


After drawing a route. I would like to review the statistics to determine if it is worth to bring hiking sticks. I review the elevation chart and select point where there is a steep elevation differential. On the selected point. I would like to know the following:

Q1. The slope percentage. Currently only the altitude is displayed (see screenshot)

Q2. When I tap the map icon (in bottom toolbar), switch to the map and position the cursor to the point selected in the Chart. ie, from the screenshot, the map would show/highlight the point at 6.9km from starting point of the route. Currently this is not possible.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Replies (8)


You can add Gradient to your chart (check the chart settings)


This is not the same thing. Setting Gradient for Y-axis display the entire track in gradient. I am not sure how to use the gradient chart. I prefer the altitude chart which reflects the reality of the terrain. Actually we can mentally visualise the shape of gradient graph from that altitude graph.

What I am asking here is different. When you select a point on the Altitude chart, the point is shown on the graph with only the altitude. It would be really convenient to add the slope % beside the point. See screenshot.

Just to make 100% sure. Can you make the following test. In the screenshot, the position at 6.9km from starting point has 335m altitude and 8.2% gradient. How long it would take you to get that information? Currently I need to use to 2 graphs (1 for altitude, 1 for gradient). On each graph I need to position the cursor at 6.9km. And more importantly, where is that 6.9km on the map? This is why I would like to see an answer for Q2 (in my initial question).


If you plot Altitude and Gradient, selecting a given point displays both.


On your Q2: selecting a given point on the graph, then switching to the map with the bottom map icon brings me on the map with the cursor at that position.



Thanks for the workaround. But the graph is rather hard to read with this setting (see Locus_Chart_AltitudeAndGradient.png). Honestly, I don't need to see the gradient graph as I can visualise it mentally. It's just the derivative of the altitude curve. I think my request is a more elegant solution. Just display the selected point with altitude and slope %, regardless of the current chart setting. Because distance, altitude, slope are the 3 properties of a point. There is enough room on the screen to display. Just display it instead of requiring the user to go to complicate workaround.

Thank you for Q2 answer. I did that so many time. But I misread the map. I didn't know that the cross-hair cursor is what Locus wanted to show as the point position (selected fro the chart). Instead I was reading the point indicated by the big white popup rectangle. Which is obviously wrong. BTW that popup was the one I tap randomly on the route to bring the menu of track detail. I suppose this should be filed as a bug. It would make more sense that the popup screen shows the point selected from the chart. Why? Who cares about the tiny red cursor? If the user when to the trouble of selecting a point, then hit on the map, the natural expectation is that the user would appreciate the point popup screen to position on the selected point.


Hi Tristan,

Q1: zoom the chart in so that you can see the point closer or rotate your mobile to a landscape position so that the chart stretches itself (then you can zoom it in as well)

Q2: the popup emerges only when you tap the track and stays visible until you tap somewhere out of it - the button "show the point from the chart on map" doesn't switch on any popups

best regards

Michal, Locus team


Re Q1, I know these workarounds. They are rather clumsy compared to simply display the altitude along with the slope when a point is selected in the chart. Hope that it's not too complicated to implement. Thanks


Hi Tristan,

all ideas the users come up with must go through other users' voting. When your idea gets enough support from the community, there is a chance it'll be implemented.

best regards

Michal, Locus team

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