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Control on/off screen of version 2.14.0 does not work

Joachim Buhl shared this problem 11 years ago

Hello Locus

Great thanks for adding this feature.

Together with the new andromaps vector mtb maps and your hillshading you got closer to perfection for using Locus for Mountainbiking.

But the Control on/off screen with "Turn On when notify on waypoint" does not work on my phone.

Sony Xperia Neo ICS, Locus 2.14.0.

I activated both "Turn On when notify on waypoint" and "Turn On when notify during navigation" and started Locus new just to make sure.

I than using a gpx track to guide me along this and setup the display standby to 30sec.

Beginning with guiding the display goes dark after 30sec and than I can hear the next notification, but the display leaves black, no activation.

I`m using SVOX for TTS.

How can I help to find the problem?


BTW: Turn On/Off by gesture works fine

BTW2: What means "Turn On when notify on waypoint"? Do I have to setup a notificatioin for waypoints in the setup for guiding?

Is "Turn On when notify on waypoint" belonging to "notification on Waypoints",

"Turn On when notify during navigation" belongs to "navigation" but what display activation setup belongs to "notifications on tracks"?

Replies (8)


Hello Joachim,

you discovered exactly, how this feature works. So yes,

"Turn On when notify on waypoint" current works only if you enable guide on single waypoint.

"Turn On when notify during navigation" only works on voice navigation

So there is currently not a feature that cover guiding along track.

I`m not sure about it, that`s why I don`t included this settings into this version and hoped that someone open discussion about it. You`re first so thank you :)


When guiding along track, there are currently two main possibilities

1) notify when switch to another point (when you guide along track that has really a lot of points (for example every 10m), this notification is quite useless)

2) notify when too far from track

I can add new settings ""Turn On when notify during track guiding", but should there be any problems? Like unwanted behavior or is there on first view need for some extra conditions? I`m just worried that it will not be so simple ...



Thanks for your reply.

I can confirm, that it works with voice guided navigation, so in principle, it works.

I see your concerns.

But the waypoints every 10m should not be a problem, because despite trackpoints every 10m the voice guiding only gives notifications (left, right..) when the direction is really changing (depends on angle?).

So the voice notifications are not triggered by every waypoint, but only, when you have to change the direction. This would be the same with screen on.

Is it possible not to trigger the screen on by waypoints itself, but on the upcoming voice notification or only when direction changes like the voice itself do.



hmm you`re talking about case, when you enable TTS for a track guiding. This feature anyway needs improvements and simplification (settings mainly).

Current plan is to generate voice orders for these tracks and then enable normal voice navigation, so then "Turn On when notify during navigation" will be applied on this also.

I`m talking about cases, when you don`t use TTS for a guiding along track, but other possible notifications ...

I`ll anyway try something and we`ll see in next version. Probably better to speak about already working feature and how to improve it, then about not existing feature and how to do it :)


Hello Menion

"improvements and simplification", mhhhh interesting, the only thing, that could be a litte bit clearer is, that "text-to-speech" means voice navigation along a track.

I think I do not understand exactly, whats the difference between vioce guided navigation and following a track with TTS is.

For me as a user it appears to be totally the same. With one, I already have a existing track, with the other the "track" is calculated by the program.

In the end I get Voice with "left" and "right" either way.

So the behavior of screen on/off should be also the same.

Is the behavior with beep, Noise, vibration the same as it is with TTS?

Or does Locus beep every 10m if there is a waypoint on the track?

If yes, screen on/off would make no sense, thats clear.

But in 99% of all cases I can imagine to use guiding along a track I want to know, when to change the direction and it does not matter, if the programm is talking to me or I get only a beep. The display should come up in parallel.

Even in case of "only notification if to far away from track", screen on/off makes sense.

So, to be honest, I cannot see the problem.



as you wrote: "For me as a user it appears to be totally the same."

And I want to create a method that it will also work for you in same way. So remove ability to enable TTS on track notification and simply add "Navigate" button also for tracks.

Anyway leave it for now. I`ve already added ability to turn on screen when you guide along track and it will be working in next version.


Hello Menion

Navigate button would be perfect, thanks.

And sorry for annoying you with such things.

Your software is really great and I often saw, that the development of software ends at 80% although 95% would be possible without big problems.

Now we have to talk about the last 5% ;-):

Is it possible to switch off the screen again after passing the intersection (+50m) where I have to turn.

example: phone setup is set to 1min until standby, to save maximum battery.

With this setting I have to reach the next turn within 1min, to see on the activated screen, where to go. But sometimes you need longer, or you have to wait on the intersection for the slower ones of the group. And when they are close, the display would be off again and you cannot see anymore, where to go especially because out in the forrest you always have to check the first 50m after a turn if you really took the right path.

The minute would be also not enough when you use the functionality for hiking.

Please think about it.



Joachim this is on longer discussion. I personally do not agree with this idea. For this purpose serve settings in your device for display timeout.

I`m also ending to be a fan of a lot of settings, so less settings, better.

Anyway if you still think, it may be useful, open new topic as idea.

If you`ll want to test turn on screen during guiding along track sooner then on final public release of 2.14.1, you may try this test version

otherwise release will be in the end of week


Hello Menion

I tested it on the way to the ice cream parlor ;-).

Works great, thanks.

Tomorrow I will test it on Mountainbike.


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