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FieldNotes - chyba zápisu do souboru

N.o.e. shared this problem 4 years ago


Ve FieldNotes vyberu keše zatržítkem.

dám Offline úložiště Zobrazí se hláška "Nastala chyba při zápisu do souboru"

Jak se toho zbavit a rozchodit to? Přitom nahrání FN na GC je bez problémů.



add-on FN

Locus 3.46.1

Android 8.1.0

Replies (7)


In 2017 I had the same problem.

Due to the fact that the FieldNotes Addon is no longer supported by the developer I had to downgrade to version of the Addon in order to solve the problem. Look also here (sorry it is a german discussion).


Thank you for solve problem. Now its working.

Is there any way to lock the application against updating?


On my Samsung Galaxy Note 4, running Android 6.0.1. Stock ROM, there is a setting directly for the app in Google Play Store. Selecting the three dots in the right upper corner of "Locus Addon Fieldnotes" brings up a popup menu. And there is a checkbox called "Autom. Updates an" in german. This checkbox is not selected on my phone for the app.

In addition there is another option in "Einstellungen --> Allgemein" in Goggle Play Store on my phone that is not selected. It is called "Automatische App-Updates". On my phone the radiobutton "Apps nicht automatisch aktualisieren" is selected.

Maybe the second setting is only neccessary for setting the first setting and than can be set back to some other value . I. e. set radiobutton in "Einstellungen --> Allgemein", uncheck the checkbox "Autom. Updates an" direct for the app and then reset the radiobutton in "Einstellungen --> Allgemein". I do not know for sure.

Nevertheless with these settings the App "Locus Addon Fieldnotes" is not updated automatically on my phone.


As the field notes add on is being supported would it be possible to incorporate the use of templates into the Locus Logs Manager?


Together with ...

  • ... log templates for travelbugs.
  • ... real offline logging of travelbugs no matter if you have an internet connection or not.
  • ... variables {cc} (= cachecode), {cn} (= cachename), {on} (= ownername) for cache- and travelbug-logtemplates.
  • ... automatic creation of a travelbug-log "visited" for a travelbug in your hands when creating a "find"-log for a geocache.
  • ... add / edit / delete an offline log for travelbugs before sending it together with the cache-log to
  • .... other useful things around logging I forget to mention ;-)

... I hope log-templates for cache-logs will be a feature in Locus Log Manager of version 4.x of Locus.


in my Android is only suitable "Do not automatic update" all apps. There is no other option.


Dobrý den,

můžete mi prosím napsat, jestli váš problém již byl vyřešen?

Vývojář G4L bohužel nereaguje a pokud problém přetrvává, zkuste ho kontaktovat přímo prostřednictvím e-mailu podpory z Google Play (pod jeho doplňkem).

Děkuji za odpověď.

Hezký den


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