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Elevation profile and navigation cursor

Animis Spem shared this idea 4 years ago

I use the graph with the height profile in the dashboard. Its arrangement at the bottom of the screen is advantageous. If the "Move map center" function was selected, the fat location point in the height diagram that had moved to the middle of the route at some point obscured the route and its cursor.

It would be nice if the location point (adjustable option?) could move a bit to the left (the heights already overcome on the route are not as interesting for me as the ones in front of me ...).

Best Answer

In case, your numbers are correct, than this will be useful change for remaining 1%.

Replies (5)


Hello Animis,

thanks for the useful idea. Agree. In the next version, during navigation, the user's current location will be moved to the left with a lot bigger part of the forward track visible. Thanks.

Jiří M. aka Menion


What's the point of this for the 99% of the people who don't use that elevation graph during navigation?


In case, your numbers are correct, than this will be useful change for remaining 1%.


I thought the current navigation location on the map was moved off centre (to the left), but now I see it's only that green/black "fat location point" on the graph that has moved to the left.

Indeed, that's useful. Sorry!


I just tested the solution. Sorry, but I think the point is now shifted too far to the left. It is hidden by the buttons on the left function bar. Is it possible to move the elevation cursor a little to the right? Thank you!


Animis, if you have any obsacles over your dashboard, just modify chart in this dashboard. Seems that also part of chart is covered by button, that may be fixed on your side with "Dashboard editor".


That's great, many thanks! 

Frank (Animis) 

Locus Map <> schrieb am Mo., 1. Juni 2020, 09:00:


Hello Animis,

How did you configure the elevation profile on your dashboard (jpg)? Would you mind to share the file?


I attached my dashboard. If you want, you can use it, of course change it. (Dashboards are filed under Locus/data/dashboard)


Thanks a lot


Hi Menion!

Thanks for your work concerning version 3.46.2 - but I am really very disapointed concerning one modified feature:

" improved visible track part on dashboard chart during navigation"

It is really bad now, that the location point in the height diagram is now not just a bit more to the left, but now this point is very, very far on the left hand side!

Up to this change it was very helpful on longer tours to see aswell some of the altitude profile, which you have already done. Now you can see just the part of the forward track.

This point has been moved now realy a bit too far to the left hand side - we want to see aswellsome of the height profile already done.

Maybe you can change this or offer a option for that in the settings.

Thank you very much, I am really concerned about this feature which was so well realised in the past...

Best wishes!



thanks for the feedback on this change. Your use case makes sense ... as well as inital idea from Animis. Let's try a compromise > position moved to 1/4 of the chart. So in next version ...


Very good, that's what I originally wanted ...

Many thanks to you!


Hello Menion,

as you mentioned - moving the position point 1/4 of the chart is just a compromise. But it would be really helpful to have a possibility to be able to place the point in the settings (expert settings?) in a way that everyone individually likes (middle, 1/4 left, far left).

And: the size ratio of the height profile should not change as the remaining distance decreases, but should always remain the same.

By the way: I can not understand why Animis Spem solves his problem (height point over cursor point) by making his height diagram just a bit smaller, not that high - so he wouldn't have any problems with the actual cursor and height points.

Over the last years we have been very happy with the 'old' version of the height diagram and had no problems at all.

Menion, please rethink this again, because it is really very important and good feature Locus offers and it would be a pitty if this change now limited the possibilities especially also, because you can arrange the altitude diagram differently and individually and adjust it so that all points are visible.

Thanks a lot! Best wishes!


Or Animis unchecks this option: Shift map cursor, it moves the map screen cursor down by 1/4 of the screen.

Maybe the middle wasn't so bad after all. Now that it's shifted to the far left, the 1% isn't happy and the 99% isn't happy either! :)


Hello menion,

what do you think about changing the point position again or offer a feature for placing this point in the settings?

(the problem Animis has can be solved in different ways - see comments above).

Best wishes!



change I made was not due to needs of Animis and his problem (agree it may be solved in different ways), but because of single logical fact: during navigation, you are more interested in what is coming and not in what you already passed. That's a logical fact.

What we may improve here is an additional settings for the Dashboard charts with selection of center position.



I think the most important function of the graph with height profile is to see where you are on a climb. Halfway or 3/4 etc. So you also need to see the part of the track that's behind you. See the comments of golden mountains about the ratio of the graph.


"...So you also need to see the part of the track that's behind you...."

Sjoerd - thats the thing, you are absolutely right!

Animis, who had "problems" (which where the reasons for changing the whole thing, which worked so well over the last years) can solve this by other ways (see above).

So please, Menion, it was such a great and good feature - think about it again! I think there will be a way to change it again.

Thanks a lot!


I inserted an empty cell in the diagram row on the left and adjusted its width. Thats how it works! Thank you!

Locus Map <> schrieb am Do., 11. Juni 2020, 15:05:


Hi guys,

I was sure that such minor change can't have any negative reactions, well I was wrong.

Oki, so since the next 3.47 version, center position will be reversed back to previous "center" value, so Aminis, please find an alternative solution to your problem, like modification of your dashboard.

I've also added settings of center position (left, 1/4, center) to my TODO list related to the dashboard, so in the future, I'll most probably add this new setting into UI. Thanks for the discussion.



I never thought that such a small additional convenient option would trigger a storm in a glass of water at golden mountains. Thanks for the tips on how to set up my locus ... I refrain from giving back similar tips. Everyone uses the program according to their ideas. Menion, as the developer of the app, is right when he says "navigation means orienting yourself forward". But no matter, in my first post I suggested that the shift be optional like the shift of the middle of the map. This is certainly more programming effort, but, as the discussion has shown, would be gratefully received (I think ich shift is ok - the starting point was that the height cursor temporarily covered the navigation cursor at the current location).

Locus Map <> schrieb am Mo., 22. Juni 2020, 13:15:

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