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New Locus interface - really better?

Layio shared this question 11 years ago

Sorry, but why new look of today version of Locus is so ugly? Why all buttons are grey/white (it doesn`t contast with the lists)? Why there is no window border on point window? Why OK buttons are on top (training for fingers)? Why tabs on geocaching info are not on one size of window (as in previous version)?

It`s look like Locus get new interface from iOS7... Don`t try to destroy this amazing app with too many changes in new versions, user don`t like to change good ideas, to "better".

Replies (12)


Take yourself 5 minutes and browse through that guide:

I`ve waited long for theses changes and i like them. It fits better into the Android system than before. Well done, Menion!

Altough there are a lot of things to improve for tablet layouts, like one fragment on the left that shows the map screen (and is active - means i can scroll and zoom and stuff like that) and the other fragment on the right, that shows whatever you like (compass, data screen, map manager, etc)




you`ve quite a lot of questions ...

We received during an years, quite a lot of complain about GUI of Locus that do not follow design of Android itself or other apps. This is "small" step to make it better - more Google like (not iOS like, really. I never had iOS device in my hands!)

"dialog white/grey" -

"Why there is no window border on point window?" - but there is, maybe a little lighter (default from android) but it is.

"Why OK buttons are on top (training for fingers)?" - "contextual action bar" - , pattern used in all google apps. Second huge advantage is that it increased space for screen itself which is very usable on smaller screens. And another big advantage is that "OK/cancel" buttons are still on same place. They do not jump away right before finger because of popup keyboard

"Why tabs on geocaching info are not on one size of window (as in previous version)? " - don`t understand. Tabs are now handled by Android itself, more here


All these main changes were tested on 8 people where half was already familiar with locus, half not. Thanks to this testing, we changes some patterns, but generally, there were no problems and for all was changes positive, because Locus worked more similar to other android apps


Yes, this design principle is most important to me:

"Decide for me but let me have the final say"


that`s exactly what I do ...

And I agree berkley and have this in mind. This is first step for better tablet/phablet experience


I completely agree with menion here. Following Android GUI standards is a MUST, even if some changes might alienate long-term users. In the end, for Locus success, it is more important to not scare away new users than to keep old users perfectly happy all the time.

I am myself unhappy about a few bits and bobs and ideas of the google designers. But all in all, the system is quite usable and it makes total sense for all apps to follow the rules. Otherwise we will only get into a crappy everybody-does-everything-differently-mess.

Locus has quite a long way to go btw. The lists (tracks, points, etc) are completely non-standard and feel quite alien now. A long click should turn on multi-selection mode and show the extra menu button, like in all other reasonable apps. I know this is a bit tricky to do because of Locus mixing multi-selection and visible-on-map properties, but anyway... standards and ui rules are a good thing :-).


For me, new layout is alright. I like it pretty much.

But! I believe that a serious software development should focus on fixing bugs and problems, instead of enhancing graphical interface. I`m pretty disappointed that some functional issues were not fixed during two updates. I believe a reliability should have bigger priority than a visual side of a program.


1. I`m sure that major problems that block usage, are solved

2. when you receive so much emails with complains about unclear UI, you will think a lot if spend time on this or that => more complains on UI then on existing problems? More time on UI improvements ...


"I am myself unhappy about a few bits and bobs and ideas of the Google designers" - yes, I have same feeling sometimes. But in the end, if all apps works in same way, you get used to :)

"The lists (tracks, points, etc) are completely non-standard and feel quite alien now" - I know I know ... during these UI changes, I also wanted to fix this , but I`m stuck on exactly same thing - multi-usage of checkboxes. But I`m sure, any solution soon or later appear :)


Just an extra thought on this... if you somehow separate the multi usage checkboxes and have a real multiselect mode instead, the ui-slowness problem would also disappear automatically. I could simply multiselect ten tracks and hit on delete for example... without having to wait ten times for five seconds inbetween until locus "loaded" the track data.


yes, I know ...


Basically... i think the right way to handle this would be to get rid of the check boxes in normal operation and have a standard android multi selection mode instead. Then i could multiselect a few tracks quickly and simply hit the map icon to show them on the map. Thats even faster to handle than it is now.

As for hiding... well... a "hide" menu entry could do.

Might need some getting used to and cause a few complaints from longtime users. But in the end... you would simply have standard conforming lists and would not alienate new users so much. At least financially... thats the most important thing anyway :)


"Might need some getting used to and cause a few complaints from longtime users"

Just great:/

With all these "improvements" stuff we must not forget, the Locus is quite complicated application, and majority of the real improvements are better than Google Design Principles. Locus evolved over last few years with great arrangement between developers and users. I hope it not be wasted by the standardization at all cost.

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