Map Addon for Amazfit Stratos

blahdi shared this idea 5 years ago
Gathering feedback

This idea is a placeholder to gather votes (to gauge interest) on the feature to support ability to show a locusmap map on Amazfit Stratos for routing, and tracking. Locusmap will still run on Smartphone, but this addon would allow us to quickly look at the map (without pulling up smartphone), and the track.

Replies (7)


Oh, this would be great!


Yes, IT could be fine and fun


Hi. Is there any update? Anything new? THNX


I think this is a dead project.


Pity, more and more amazfit users here, Amazfit devices are getting so popular


Yes, Amazfit smartwatches are so popular. And special Amazfit pace, stratos supports android applications. Shit, that I am not android applications developer 😟


I even bought a Amazfit since the locus devs promised support but it never came.



Well as I know, navigation notification in the system bar was implemented. I've never tested it with mentioned watches, but if they are able to display Android notifications, it should display Locus Map navigation commands (visible in notification) as well.


Yeah, I saw.


I don't know how or if? Because, I know, that Amazfit stratos, pace, verge support Gmaps navigate. Showing arrows, not maps. And you need application Amazmod, or Maps for Amazfit (paid). But application Maps for Amazfit doesn't support third party applications like is Locus Maps, ...

I must set something in Locus Map Pro application.


Yesterday I navigate to geocache parking with Google maps. I have installed Amazmod too. And my Amazfit stratos show me notifications with arrows. But I am saying, it is Google maps, not Locus Map. I must something set in Locus Map application? Amazmod support only Google maps.


There is no special settings in Locus Map. Sorry, none in our team use these watches and we do not plan to support them somehow directly. I only expected that it should simply display existing system notifications from Locus Map navigation. But it is possible, there is need for "something more" directly in the Locus Map app.


Ive just got the amazfit trex, while the amzmod is for different watches , notify for amazfit (£2.99 paid app) does work. This adds lots of additional features, including good turn by turn google maps interception.

For use with tasker, ive made a profile that grabs any android notifications sent by locus, gets the content, and then the Notify for amazfit can send the variable as a notification to the watch. This should eb possible with any watch that works with a tasker addon, so all the amazfit watches and bands etc.

This seems to be working fine with locus navigation, as per another post, the frequency of notifications needs to be tweaked.

Also you can set button clicks from watch to launch tasker tasks. so ive set 1 click to launch locus, 2 clicks to launch locus compass screen/dashboard. etc. usefull for when phone is mounted on my bike.

ive also made a task to vibrate phone when the current heading matches the bearing to guidance, it vibrates

ie you hold out arm, rotate body, when phone vibrates youre facing the right way, for when you can see/access the screen. This should mean that with phone mounted on bike mount, when bike is facing direction of target destination. watch will be able to vibrate


But no notification arrows, only words/distance. etc, but that might be able to be changed with text replacement of the variable ie replace turn right with >>, before the text is sent to the watch. This is what the google maps part of notify for amazfit does automatically.


Yeah, I would gladly buy Amazfit T-Rex if I could get Locus add-on working on it.


No, Locus Map WearOs add-on works only with wear os Smartwatch. This is only tracking application. Track your hike, run, bike, etc ... Only and if you buy som WearOs smartwatch you got a lots of the similar apps to download .... Strava, Google fit, etc ...


Piotr, TRex is good as a basic notifiction receiver, as roxatak says, wont ever be able to display maps or similar, it does have integrated gps and compass, for use seperate from phone, ive often had both recording tracks so I had a backup. Also the trex does integrate its heart rate monitor with locus as an HR device. the 20 day battery life is the main feature. ive also got lg gwatch, and that works fine with wearlocus plugin, in fact after several years i realised the only thing i ever used in wearOS was the locus plugin. but big problem with wearos is battery life, id have to charge up my watch every day and often id forget, most of the newer watch are really expensive for what they are, often many times the price of a full phone. I think one of the best options at the moment for locus on your wrist is a full android watch like a lemfo lemt or similar, i made a post the otehr day where I turned an old spare small phone in to smartwatch by install watch droid assitant to get notifications from my main phone, and then i just ran full locus only on the "watch" helf on my wrsit with a jogging phone holder so its like a pipboy.


Thanks Alistair and roxetak, it is enlightening:) What attracted me to T-Rex is the battery. Yeah, it's possible to get a second hand Samsung Gear S-3 Frontier quite cheap these days, like a friend of mine did whom I pointed to Locus and made him awfully happy. Seems it's working well on this Tizen stuff. I'd go this way, too, but of course this one does not come close to "notification receiver" with its battery life. It's always the same trade-off... I'm afraid WearOS watches are even worse in this respect.


WearOS watches are very expensive for what they are, and the battery life was appaling, on my LG G watch even on do not disturb the watch would always vibrate so I had to keep turning if off when I was at home, so it wasnt much good as a watch.

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