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Locus 2.0.0 - Waypoint - Modify

Fifi shared this question 10 years ago

Hello Locus Team !

The context :

New Locus Pro Version 2.20.0

1. Tap on a waypoint

2. Tap on the ^ in the right bottom corner

3. Choose modify

4. Do some modifications or not

Usually at this step, in apps, when you tap on return touch of the smartphone, the apps go back without saving / changing anything or it ask you if you are sure to quit without saving or if you prefer to save modifications.

With the new version, if you tap on the return touch, Locus saves automatically without regarding if want to keep or not modifications.

It is a bit, well, confusing ... At the same time, it is perhaps confusing only for me ...

Is this intentional or is it a mistake ?

Best regards.

Replies (7)


Are you sure that "usually this step ..." is correct?

For me during creating this screen was primary to keep some already working solutions in other apps. So I used as inspiration Google apps Contacts, Calendar and GMail as most used apps (ever). You may simply try how Contacts apps works for you and if you have original app from Google (latest), I'm sure it will work in exactly same way as Locus now.

It's little bit confusing, because on other screens are used older methods, but I want to united all into this mechanism. Huge advantage of this, is that you cannot loose any precious data by any accident. In worst case, you save a point you don't want, so you may delete it manually.


Hi Menion,

Thank you for your answer.

Hmmm, i don't use these default apps ... and you're right, i confirm. I've just tried with the apps that i use as a replacement : Business Calendar, Aquamail and Handsent SMS. On exit from modify, they always ask what you want to do ... delete/abort changes, save etc ... Personally, i find the option to ask more secure ... i'm probably wrong.

Anyway, i understand your choice.

Thank you again,

Have a nice day !

Best regards.


I have the same question ad I think its confusing too. Furthermore, before, when making a waypoint, instantly the keyboard appeared and date & time were selected so I could type right away to give a name to the waypoint. Now I have to remove date & time first which is more difficult, certainly with many waypoints..

Liked the new screen interface though!

Best wishes,



This issue (missing selection and keyboard) should be now solved in 2.20.1 for Android 4.X+


... any small chance to still having a button "Cancel" near the button "Save" ... ? :-)


and what benefit it brings?

When there will be "Cancel" directly in top bar, then on tap Locus display dialog "Do you really want ...". So you will have to confirm it. Now it's also on two clicks - menu > Discard


Menion wrote:

and what benefit it brings?

When there will be "Cancel" directly in top bar, then on tap Locus display dialog "Do you really want ...". So you will have to confirm it. Now it's also on two clicks - menu > Discard

Hmmm ... a menu that has only one option, "Discard" ? So, "Discard" button without a following dialog "Do you really want ..." replacing the "menu" ?

Ok, I go out !? ;-)

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