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Radar view at Augmented Reality not moving

Jed Chin shared this question 3 years ago

As the feature of adding polygon line is not available using KML import, I had improvised by tagging evenly across border of the site (as shown in Map View.jpg attached).

Although the tags through augmented reality is visible through single horizon (i.e. horizontal level with no altitude differences) which didn't helped me much, I had to improvise further by viewing the radar image at bottom left corner (AR View.jpg) to understand clearly my position.

Unfortunately, the radar only moves in corresponds to the compass direction, while the location remained fixed at one GPS location. This GPS location gets changed only when the map view is opened.

Would appreciate that the problem of fixed GPS location over radar view be fixed, and GPS data gets live feed by your apps even though it was at augmented reality mode.

Thanks in advance for rectifying this problem.

Replies (1)


Hi Jed,

we are sorry but for now, the AR add-on development si on stand-by due to a lack of resources. Thanks for understanding.

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