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Buying Premium when having multiple accounts in Google Play

Petr Langer shared this problem 3 years ago


I have two accounts in Google Play.

I bought Locus Pro in one of them and I use the same account for Locus Store (where I bought LoCoins).

Now I installed Locus 4 and I want to pay for going Premium. I click that I want to subscribe and google's screen with subscription overview is displayed, informing how much I'm going to pay now and how much I'll pay for next year. When I click the subscribe button at the bottom of the screen, it goes to next Google play's screen where it shows that Mastercard-*** will be used and it wants the password. BUT - the email address written at the top of password editbox is of my second GPlay account and I cannot change it. I suppose that if I provide password, different (the second one) GPlay account will be used for purchase. What shell I do to change the behavior?

Replies (3)


Log off the G account with which you do not want to pay. But it doesn't matter which G account you pay with. For Locus it is important which Locus Store account you were logged in with when paying.


I understand that it does not matter for Locus which G account I pay with, but I suppose the purchase would be registered with that account history, would not? I want to keep all purchases together within one account. Can I temporarily logout or I would have to remove the account from Android and add it again after purchase?


Hello Peter,

Please proceed as follows:

- switch Google Play account (click on Google Play user icon)

more here at this link.

- then go to purchase a subscription in Locus Map.

Have a nice day



Zdravím, díky, to jsem samozřejmě kontroloval a v GPlay mám ten "hlavní" účet (čili ten, o který mi primárně jde) vybraný a nastavený... Zkoušel jsem to ještě jednou přepnout na druhý a zpět, ale výsledek je, bohužel, stejný... :-\ Tak zkusím ten gmail-ový odebrat (nevím, jestli to s tím nemůže souviset, že ten "primární" mám ne-gmailový, ten druhý gmailový...) a pak znova přidat, snad mi to ten Android moc nerozhodí, pokud jo, stejně se chystám v dohledné době updatovat a budu muset udělat čistý flash.

Hello, thank you, I checked it already before and I have the "primary account" already selecgted in GPlay. I tried to switch it there and back now, but with no effect... :-\


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