Action to start recording (to use with NFC)

Adam Dziura shared this idea 7 years ago
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Please add action to application to start Locus with a recording a track. It it possible to create a nfc tag (without locus NFC). Then I can create actions in other programs (like NFC Tasks ...).

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Replies (5)


Good day Adam,

may you please try to describe your idea more precisely? Thank you.

I'm anyway little worried, that it won't be possible to implement anything related to NFC. We are currently seriously thinking to completely remove support for NFC from Locus Map app, because of really low usage of this feature. Thanks for understanding.


I don't use a NFC in Locus. But I use a NFC with NFC Tasks (see Play Store). I have some function with my tag NFC on my bike: disable wifi, set ringtone, sent sms to my wife ("start ride") ;) etc. and *start app OneTap Record to Strava* (see Play Store). I want to replace this last application by a Locus. And I need a action to start locus with start a record a track (without click start).

Can you add this action to Locus? Locus --start-record:ride --start-record:run etc.​


Hello Adam,

understand. Depend on how much you wants to play with it, but it seems it should be already possible.

As I see from a description on Google Play, NFC tasks app may start a "Tasker" task. It is possible to define "Tasker" task to start track recording in Locus Map. Here are necessary parameters for this and I'm sure, here on helpdesk will be also some discussions related to this topic. Quick search :

Hope this helps.


This is it. But it doesnt work :)

In NFC Tasks i should write a name of application. But I havent 'application locus.api...'. There is application


I was speaking about writing custom Tasker task ( ) and then using this NFC Tasks app to start this task.

And yes, correct package name of Locus Map Pro is what you wrote, anyway it should not be needed. Check my second link above.

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