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Geocaching: Is is possible to see or download all pictures from logs?

Nicolai shared this question 4 years ago


sometimes there are useful pictures in Logs of Geocaches.

For example here you can see how the hiding place looks like.



Is it possible to download or see all pictures that are from Logs? It looks like that the GC offlinizer doesn't download log pictures. So if I want to search for pictures in logs I always have to scroll down all logs to see if anybody attached a picture. And I need an active internet connection to see them.

Is there a more comfortable solution for that?

Thank you

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we decided not to download log photos with the GC offlinizer. Only tiny percent of the log photos contain useful information and nobody wants to spend time downloading photos that are not relevant for the geocache hunt. Thanks for understanding.


Okay. But an option that would be something like "download log photos" would't have any disadvantages. You could even disable it by default.

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