Edit POI data and send to OSM.

freischneider shared this idea 3 years ago
Gathering feedback

When calling up a POI, offer the option to edit it. Then send it to OSM immediately.

I saw this on Maps.me. You can even edit individual buildings there.

Such a quick and easy processing of the OSM data would support the maintenance of the OSM data very much. A lot more people would help.

Replies (10)


I know that there are more important topics. But Locus lives from OSM data.

Therefore, the project should be supported as much as possible and it should be made as easy as possible for the user to support it.


There is another app where the editing is even better.

OSM Go https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.dogeo.osmgo&hl=de&gl=US

There are even drodown fields in edit mode. Then one can choose all possible options.

Maybe you can collaborate with these. He may make his programming available. Or you can access the object in OSM Go directly from the POI via API. Then you would save yourself a lot of programming work.

I can't imagine that at Maps.me. Because it is partly a competitor app.



are you aware of this add-on?


Quite a new child in the Locus Map family, but looks very nice. And also the ideal adept for the task you request.



Yes I know it. Have already written to him. The disadvantage is that everything is in English. If you want a non-existent tag you have to know exactly what you want. There is no shortlist. He actually only did it for himself and doesn't want to improve anything. Since that's enough for him, I can understand that and accept that.

OSM Go has a much better structure. The app was also developed from the OSM project.

Maybe you can find a few minutes to ask if a collaboration is possible.


In the case of an add-on, only those who are actively looking for it can find it. And it only appears after the installation.

If it were firmly integrated into the surface, a lot of people would come across it and see so that something can be added or changed here. That would lead to a lot more mappers in the long run.


I've also had the experience that people only care when it is very easy. Many do not even know the possible tags. and they don't know the values where they make sense either. I looked at it on OSM go and it's really very easy. All options are offered and the values can be selected in the dropdown. That would be used by a lot more.


I absolutely agree with Freischneider and Tobse.

If a collaboration was possible, all you needed was the following.

There is a link "edit" in the POI

If I click this, the POI opens directly in the OSM Go app. You are already in the POI in edit mode.

For users who have not installed the app, the following is displayed:

"To edit a POI at OSM, you need the OSM Go app. You can install it here (link). All you have to do is enter your OSM account or register with OSM.



I agree with Freischneider. SInce the add-on from vastuf I am searching for the ideal add-on or app to make OSM better. In the field this is only about poi. In case of missing paths or tracks, I simply do a track recording and process at home.

But for poi and then offcourse integrated in the Locus screen, a simple add poi button would be great. OSM go is pretty nice and far better than the one from vastuf (where I can not even find the add poi button).

Another fine example is this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.manu_propria.bankjes&hl=de&gl=US stand alone but great interface, only for benches. ANd no upload to OSM. But man, the interfae....

Something like this but really integrated and with a choice of nodes that interest me like benches, shelters, drinking points etc

So I voted YES.


There are many apps to process OSM data. But for POI I think OSM Go is the best. I think the suggested values are very good. An integration in Locus would be a big step.


Hi. I am currently still using the app described by Menion 👇.


It no longer exists on Google Play but I still have it.

I support the idea of an integration of OSM Go with Locus or a tool developed by Locus.

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