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Is it possible to use/buy the Austrian Map (ÖK50) from BEV?

Konstantin Sysel shared this question 4 years ago

I want to use the ÖK50 in Locus for SAR at our local group of the austrian mountain rescue (ÖBRD). Until now we plan our activities with QuoVadis and export it to an old tablett with TwoNav in our car. The tablett should be replaced with a modern one and modern software.

Replies (5)


Dear Konstantin,

I'm very sorry but ÖK50 maps are not available in Locus. Please check for example maps from (Menu > Maps > Online > Basemap) or any other online maps or downloaded LoMaps maps from Locus Store -

Please send me more info about your SAR projects. We offer free licences and some benefits for SAR teams.

Thanks, Petr


Dear Petr!

Thank you for your fast reply! I saw the benefits for SAR-Teams, but this is only necessary if we install Locus in our Landy, so that our members are familiar with it on their phones and the tablett in the car.

As far as the maps are concerned, most of austrian civil organisationes use the official BEV-Maps, all trainings are based on them. Basemap and special basemap-satellite is a big aid but only a addon.

QuoVadis can export maps in many formats (see attachment). Is there one that can be used by locus?




CompeRMAP ist the only format working in Locus.

Btw: BEV has an own app which is able to use their ÖK maps. But this app by far is not as powerful as Locus. It's a pity that BEV is't offering their map tiles to use in other apps like e.g. Kompass is doing.


For CompeRMAP-Export is a Device-Key needed (required by Compe), then you can export the whole map. In our case is no disadvantage for Compe, but QuoVadis isn´t allowed to export without it.

Better than the BEV-App is ApeMap, where the downloadable BEV-Tiles for whole austria cost only 9,99€. The UI is very eccentric and many features are missing. Therefore i hoped to use locus in future.


We'd probably contact BEV and ask for cooperation but I checked our catalog of wanted maps and it seems that BEV maps aren't required by our users. There is already a feature request but only with one vote

I'm not familiar with QuoVadis but have your tried to export the map to 'MapBox tiles', please? BTW: are you able to obtain BEV maps as georeferenced raster (e.q. geotiff)?


The Export lasts with an error. I try to find a solution. ( I´ll be back :-) )

Sorry, i am not able to obtain BEV-Maps as georeferenced raster.


I see. I wanted to say that Locus also supports the .mbtiles format and this format (raster) should be supported by several GIS programs...


The Map of BEV is at a Scale of 1:50,000 and a Raster-Map with "low" Resolution.

At this Scale they can´t add all available details to the Map.

Today basically much of the available Data is first in Vector format. Then some of this Vector-Data is used to generate the Raster-Map.

For me the better way is to use Vector-Maps. Yes i also use a Raster-Map: my Hillshade Map where i see nearby all details of Terrain. (Raster-Map with 0.5m Resolution)

I understand the Argumentation for the ÖK50 Map. But maybe Try to use as overlay (Multiplicated) to LoMaps in Ski Theme. (LoMaps as Main Map and as additional Layer use Overlayed

I did download a Region of Basemap locally. (so it works offline)

I am interested in which Region of Austria you need a Map ? In Vorarlberg i maybe can helpe you with the map i created. And in Salzburg are also detailled Height-Models available, ready to create a detailled Hillshade.


Sorry for my late reply!

Today i will try the overlayed LoMap. It looks good. I also tried the OpenTopoMap, that wants to look like a raster-map but i´m not satisfied with it.

The region i need is the south half of lower austria.


Can we hope for the ÖK50 in the future or is it the BEV who doesn't want to sell its maps that way?


I had previously added a custom entry to providers.xml to access bergfex online map and display the BEV map in Locus (e.g. ). It seems like recent versions of Locus deliberately block this links, as I get "access denied" tiles, while it's still working in older versions (3.48), so it would be great to have a legal option like there is with some other apps (bergfex, alpenvereinaktiv / outdooractive, ApeMap)



I guess that you used to use some un-official addon that adds these maps into the list of online maps.

Anyway, we contacted BEV to find out more information about terms of use, principles for retailers with the goal to officially support these maps.

Thanks, Petr


This is really good news, thank you, Petr!

I think that there is a number of customers in Austria who are used to the BEV maps which are not as detailed as the OSM maps but of high quality.

Best, Lucas


BEV offers not only a 1:50 map, but also 1:200, 1:500 and 1:000. They have a very simple proprietary app to show the maps and your position, and the maps change automatically depending on the user's zoom level (see video:!AredTfs4J1f5nl0jxiNtuhIDrsJw). The map material is very good, but the app itself offers nearly no functionality.

Would it theoretically be possible for Locus to have a map like shown in the video – switching between scales depending on the zoom level – if BEV would provide and sell the material?


Thank you. I know that there are mentioned scales and we'd like to prepare exactly the same zooming as is seen on your video. :)


👍 Thank you, sounds great! 😊


As said, I've added the entry myself as documented here:

As it's still working with older versions, it seems like the block is happening on side of the Locus client and not the bergfex server if there hasn't been other changes, but anyway, I'm happy if we get an official solution.


@Luzandro - In the latest versions isn't possible to customize the user-agent and that's probably the reason why the map isn't loaded.


Hello Locus Team,

are there any news concerning the ÖK50 from BEV (Official Austrian Map)?

Best, Lucas


Just for info: all BEV maps are OpenData (CC-BY 4.0) since 1.1.2022

There's also a WMS-Server but unfortunately its maps aren't loaded in Locus (although it's working within other software like QGIS or Leaflet): Please have a look at


Thank you for the link. Honestly I didn't know that BEV are OpenData now. Anyway Locus struggle with several WMS services due to complication with CRS transformation. We'll check if possible to fix. @Sonny do you know if BEV maps are available as WMTS service or if possible to dowload data in GeoTIFF/GeoPDF? I quickly check the BEV Data catalog and I found only WMS service.

Thanks, Petr


Hi Petr,

thanks for looking at it.

The geotiffs can be found here. There are 63 files with the sum of 31GB.

There is a WMTS service, but it refers to the address, so it is not usable from external.

Austrian Map mobile, or rather its maps, are now also available free of charge, but the app is as useless as before.


The WMS-Server provides its maps also in standard EPSG:3857 CRS ("WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator"), so I think Locus should have no problem with CRS transformation in this case.


Great thank you for the link. We'll consider if would be helpful (and possible) to prepare offline packages from the geotiffs.

@sonny - app struggles even with the EPSG:3857 WMS services. There is task with several services we need to check - it's menion's task on long nights :)


FYI: I contacted the BEV to find out if there is any public WMTS service -

>At the moment we are developing a wmts service for cartographic models, but the launch date is not set yet. We will publish details of this planned service once the service is ready to launch. But it will take some weeks till the services is up and running.


Just for info: I tried to open the BEV WMS map with latest Locus v3.60.0 (since regarding to the realease notes most of WMS problems should be solved). But unfortunately this WMS source is still not displayed in Locus


Thank you for the test. The issue is fixed and WMS will be available in the next version - a planned release in the next two weeks.


The WMS is still not working correct in Locus v3.64.1 :-(

It's meta-infos like name, layers, CRS could be read. But no map files are displayed.

And a second request regarding BEV maps: They are not only free to use (CC-BY 4.0) since one year. There's also a new online map:

Please add BEV map as a new Online source for Locus.Btw: It's not possible to add it via "Custom Online maps" due to it's complicated URL-format like ""

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