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GC Offlinizer: Load images of Adventure Labs

Guest shared this idea 4 years ago

Since some weeks there's a GSAK-macro to import/export Adventure Labs including images:

These Lab-caches can be imported into Locus. But the problem is, that GC Offlinizer is not loading its images. Images are just displayed if there's an active internet connection when opening the "Listing" tab.

Perhaps Locus' GC offlinizer image parser is just recognizing images within usual cache listings.

I send you a comparision of <img>- src="" style="width:650px;" />

2) Lab Cache listing

<img src="" />

Note, that there isn't a ".jpg" extension in the image link in 2) , maybe this is the problem?

Would be nice if GC offlinizer could be used on these Adventure lab listings too.

Replies (3)


Hello Sonny,

this looks like a bug more than a "feature request". May you please share with me a cache in GPX with this problematic image? I'll look at it, thanks.


Well somewhere between feature request and bug - cause Locus isn't able to load Lab Caches from Groundspeak via API (yet), so this special GPX "format" is something new for Locus ;-)

I'll attach a GPX of one Lab cache, imported using the above mentioned GSAK-Macro and exported as a GPX file to get imported with Locus.

This GSAK-Macro right now is the only method to load and process Adventure Lab Caches data. It isn't possible (yet) to import those Lab caches using PQs or API directly within Locus.


Thanks Sonny,

it seems to be more a general problem of GC Offlinizer that it ignores images that are not clearly images by it's extension.

In the end, I spend some time on this and improved detection of images in the listing, so since version 4.0+, this should be improved and at least attached GPX is now loading properly. Thanks!


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