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Weird circles with numbers shown on map after import with new version 3.50.0

tkansgar shared this problem 4 years ago


I just installed the new version 3.50.0 and then imported a new track previously created with routeconverter (as I do every week). Now there are weird circles with numbers shown on the map when displaying the track. How can I switch off these circles? And what are the numbers?



Replies (11)


Hello ,

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Can you please send a screenshot?

Thank you

Have a nice day



To do.

Track has multiple waypoints ?

1. Zoom in: Circles gone ?

2. Check: Settings > Points & Tracks > Enable POI grouping > Deselect.

3. Not solved ? + Attach example file to test


Hi, please post the track GPX for testing here and a screenshot of the issue. Thanks.



> Track has multiple waypoints ?

No, I don't have any waypoints in my tracks created with routeconverter. There are only track points.

> 1. Zoom in: Circles gone ?

Here Locus Map behaves some what differently. On my first zoom I saw additional circles at some intermedate points. But when zooming in more closely, all circles are gone. Only very, very small circles (without numbers) are visible on each track point of the newly imported track (not so on older imported tracks). Now, when zooming out and in again, less number circles are displayed at the same zoom levels than before.

When zooming out, the concentration of number circles remains nearly constant (some intermedate circles disapear, additional circles appear at some newly visible track points).

> 2. Check: Settings > Points & Tracks > Enable POI grouping > Deselect.

The number circles are gone now, but the very, very small circles remain.

My newest imported track is attaceched here. To provide a screenshot I first must install a screenshot app on my device now.


Know why this happens . Surpise by routeconvertor unknown. I plublish a changed file. Later tell you more


You mean, that routeconvertor each track point gives a name? Locus Map never had an issue with that before.

Will the very, very small circles also disappear in your new version? They violate the map screen when zooming out more and more.

And last question: It's an import issue, right? So I must reimport my gpx file with your new version?


@ tkansgar

Correct. I had to sleep on this first. Next I will discuss this with Menion. You can certainly avoid this.

By the way, do you know for what purpose Route converter adds names to each track point? Or is it just leftovers from conversions?

@ Menion

Dozens of tracks tracked and tested, no comment from LM4 beta, but didn't expect this Route Converter conversion result.

Too late, was already possible years ago, but the simple system by a track unfortunately has been stolen away in front of us.

Anyway Route You also can offer the more exclusive Locus direct route version as a download. They already have 19 different choices for various GPS and apps, but another one extra is possible. The GPS world is already quite incompatible from the past. The best food for Gps Babel and Route converter.

The direct route mode is present in Locus for two years without problems, so now be quick before someone else steals it back.

The associated waypoint method is not possible as this pollutes the info waypoint list added with every track or route download.

Info wpt are always positioned around tracks or route, usually fed by the city or municipality tourist office to promote the region you will be driving through.

These wpts contain so location targeted, more beautiful and above all much more complete information than you can ever put in universal osm poi lists.

@ Menion pse let me know what you prefee, than I can quickly inform the contact designer. Suppose now prefer the direct(rte) route mode ?


@ tkansgar next comment is not about you personally.

As It is good that you reported the problem quickly. As a user, you simply experience what your tools export.

@ Menion. I have to admit that it upsets me a bit that such weird built-up files will torpedo a possibly nice project. Notice also the strange timestamps. You know, my uncle was a small farmer. But his dunghill contained more discipline than some of the GPS files produced. Exported GPS files need to be properly and correctly constructed, but unfortunately some results are just very sad to see.


Well, "shit happens" :).

A robust "GPX loader" has to be prepared for everything. Locus Map has many safety-nets and now we have one more. Times will be now computed a little better. Points with lower values compared to the previous trackpoint or time with 0 (not defined) will be ignored in statistics that involve "time".


@ tkansgar

You can easily and quickly solve the problem with incorrect timestamps with following program.

@ import, the program immediately notices incorrect timestamps and proposes to solve this. In the pop-up than choose the average speed. This way you can export a corrected gpx file back within a minute with now perfect and relevant timestamps. The program supports basic elements latitude longitude Altitude Time. Bonus: The name element is gone.

@ Menion

Problems with navigation instructions or not can be solved fairly elegantly.

Only you still have to do some extra work for this, sorry. I suspect simple.

If you know the history of the Locus forum you than will notice that it is often not all good for everyone.

Send a gpx file without navigation instructions, you will later be asked to attach navigation instructions. (Difficult)

Send a gpx file with navigation instructions and sometimes find complaints that these are polluting the track display.

This with navigation instructions in system associated waypoints as well as in route points or now also track points.

Proposal: Function Set

EXISTS. At gpx file gpx export select to attach navigation waypoints or not.

NEW. At gpx file import select whether you want to import display and use the specific navigation instructions or not.



A way to prevent routeconverter to store the name element in the gpx file can be found here in the routconverter forum.

To correct timestamps between waypoints in routeconverter you can do the following (sorry sometimes I have to use german):

(1.) Make sure that you can see the column "Zeit" in the waypoint grid (right click on the grid header --> check "Zeit" in the popup menu).

(2.) Correct the column "Zeit" of the first waypoint by doubleclick on the column "Zeit" of that waypoint. For example "00:00:00"

(3.) Do the same with the last waypoint in grid. For example "04:00:00".

(4.) Mark first waypoint in grid via Click.

(5.) Mark last waypoint in grid via Shift + Click.

(6.) Right Click in grid and select "Vervollständigen...->Zeit"

(7.) The waypoints betwenn first and last waypoint should be correcteted.

Unfortunately the Field "Dauer" above the grid only gets updated when you save and reopen the gpx file.

See also attached file corrected with routeconverter.

PS: I always rename my name element in the gpx-file with unique numbers via routeconverter function and have so far no problems when importing these gpx-files to locus pro.

PPS: I just discovered that you might repeat steps (3.) to (7.) a second time. In first run routconverter sets the time of the last waypoint to "20:00:00". Do not know why. If you correct the time of the last waypoint back to "04:00:00" again everything works as expected.


@ csg thanks for thinking along and jumping in. I was not aware that you could attach a serial in the Routeconvertor trackpoint <name> downloads and that is why I let myself be fooled despite the fact that I had examined many files. These serials you say in the name already had no display in Locus, so can you explain me what extra's you do with them ? I suspect you use it in excel list exports or so to easily sort optimaly ? I am interested.

As for bad or incomplete delivered timestamps in tracks also even by some known routers seems to fail sometimes so also is kind of incomprehensible export result.

For example, I was recently able to help someone who needed good and complete timestamps for a virtual demo video production. Problem solved with Gps Track Editor.

There are so many sources that you can't provide everything and so still run into an unexpected problem. I had to think for a while about how best to tackle this and I think that it can be done quite easily as I indicated above at Locus import selection. It is actually an old problem that sometimes reappears but I had not thought about how to avoid it elegantly since it did not concern me at the time.

Possibly you have also understood what the intention is now and about what can be achieved and what I am thus researching in order to easily obtain interesting routes.

Especially the supplied waypoint information as an extra is an added value if you do tour around and also want to see something else than your bike front wheel alone.

Route You speaks about an offer of 4 million routes actually. I suspect not all are of decent quality, but with some tested local routes I really see a extra nice information attached.

I just wouldn't have the patience to collect all this extra info in many own searches and edits honestly. Our tourist boards do indeed provide some nice info as well.

Actual routes are currently without Locus navigation instructions, but so that may be coming soon. I really would love to get this on board with Locus and Route You says they can provide this. Only I had to figure out how best to do this so that both methods can be combined in a fairly simple way. The big advantage of Locus map over their own app is that Locus has Vectors maps and by navigation screen on/off control you can save a lot of energy on the parts where you just drive straight through. And thus so avoiding that your smartphone goes permanently in display off in the shortest possible time due to a flat battery. Voila now already something more for info, this was in fact intended rather for later ;-)

Translated with (free version)


@0709 First thank you for your detailed post.

Why I am using a serial in the name-element? Good question. To be honest I do not know. Comming from the database world I like to have a unique id for each waypoint in the gpx-file and as long as they do no harm in locus pro I am using this feature of routeconverter. Other apps may be getting in trouble with these filled <name>-tags but I am using no other so far ;-).

But it seemd you are much more experienced in this things as I ever will be.

And to be true, I never used these tracks for more than showing them on the locus map. Navigating along the track is for me showing on the map if I am still on the track ;-).


@0709 Maybe I found the original gpx-file of tkansgar a little bit "strange" in my eyes because it contains waypoints with <name>-tags that are not unique and therefore may causes the troubles in locus pro ..... just a guess ....

The idea of leaving the <name>-tag blank did not come into my mind at all. I. e. I never thought about leaving it blank so far.

But I am far away of beeing an expert in these things ....


Hello both.

So you see although we have been on the forum for so long still know quite little about each other or our preoccupations. It is so csg that I have been trying for years to obtain this but Menion thought was not appropriate in gpx files, namely putting information in trackpoints as an extra on top of the already 4 basic elements.

And now it appears that this may have been in partial use for some time, but for other purposes than discreetly putting navigation instructions.

Man oh man, how stupid is that now, something we worried about for so long. It is so csg that I try to do everything so that the new introduction firstly makes sense, so in this case getting extra nice information through interesting Route You data, but also tries to prevent existing users from being inconvenienced by this.

Only because I didn't know what existing users were doing (not in a negative way, mind you) did I run into this somewhat unpleasant situation.

But I do now think that this can be remedied fairly quickly at least if our super designer still wants to do this.

As for no Navigation use, no problem. Anyway I really do appreciate navigation and this was (already 7 years ago ?) once also started up with the main goal of saving as much energy as possible. My smartphone back then had such a miniscule battery capacity and such a barely usable autonomy when used with screen on.

It also had a barely usable display that you could hardly see in the sun, even with full brightness and thus so high power consumption.

So that's how it all came about.

I can attach a very short such a demo track with which Locus 3.50 already navigates perfectly. It is my test area and it may seem a bit strange in design. But it is not an easy task for navigation. I must say that I have found an app that does an even better job here than Locus. But that is a topic for later, so only once LM4 is ready and operational.

Another 7 years to go and then we'll see where we end up. If at least we can go outside with this Covid beast by then.

I don't know about international travel, we'll see. This year I will certainly visit many unknown local places. Because I notice that I have visited more breweries in Bavaria and have therefore neglected my own region ;-)

Route You files will contain a lot more interesting poi waypoints ;-)

Translated with (free version)


Hi again,

@c.s.g: You are Christian, right? Then we are knowing us already from your forum. Regarding the strange time values in my gpx file: As I just wrote in my other issue, the track was created by stitching several track snippets with routeconverter. And routeconverter preserves the dates and times of the track points of the snippets. Ok, I could use the method, you explained above. But till now I didn't. Will see, whether I can accustom myself to this.

@0709: But I think, these strange time values are not the reason for the number circles and the very, very small circles displayed by Locus Map 3.50.0, right? Do I understand you correctly, that the track point names created by routeconverter (and edited by myself when creating the snippets) are the real reason?

@c.s.g: Do I understand you correctly, that routeconverter don't save the track point names, if I undisplay the description column, even if they are present in the opened or additionally imported track?

By the way: I could test both correcting the time values and avoiding the point names independently from each other and test the result in Locus Map for both.




Correct tkansgar.

Indeed some tracks already seems to contain extra information outside the basic elements and this at every track point. As a result, Locus also reads all trkpts into waypoints, with extra slowness as a result given the amount. The existence of such tracks with extra elements was unfortunately unknown to me despite having researched many tracks. By the way, I didn't know that the Route converter usage in Locus was so popular. So this is an unexpected popularity poll. This feature will likely be reversed soon. To be hospitalized and cured but the disease and cause is known ;-)

I had asked for the method years ago, but due to hesitation it is now completely lost and this caused because (was unknown) another apparently very popular application unexpectedly already partly now uses or consumes some of the extra elements. Fortunately, the option direct route remains so that the Locus Route You project is not totally lost and so not to be a dead duck after all.


@tkansgar no I am not Christian, I am Stefan (the s in c.s.g. ;-)).

If I understand the info of the link to the routconverter forum right you have to manipulate the registry in order to get routconverter not to export <name>-tags to the gpx file.

It is not enough to just hide the description column in the grid.

Look here....


(1.) Open Registry

(2.) Find "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\slash\navigation\gpx]" in the Registry-Tree

(3.) Change "write/Name"="true" to "write/Name"="false"

if "write/Name" is not present add "write/Name" as "Zeichenfolge" and change its "Wert" to "false".

(4.) Leave Registry

(5.) Restart routeconverter.

(6.) Save gpx-file in routeconverter again

(7.) gpx-file should now have no <name>-tags.

I did not try these steps by myself but so I understand the post in routeconverter forum.


@tkansgar Just tested it with the registry value present.

Routconverter saves no <name>-tag in the gpx-file.

The description column in the grid shows "Position 1", "Position 2", .... but this value is not saved in the gpx-file.


Yes, that works for me too. Many thanks for the detailed description!


Hello guys,

you have quite a long discussion here :).

The problem, as correctly mentioned between lines

- since 3.50.0, Locus Map loads trkpt a little different. It uses a similar tool as for loading rtept points. The result is, that in case, trkpt contains any additional metadata, like name or comment, simple location is converted into waypoint > sorry.

The reason for this was to allow attaching of navigation commands directly into <trkpt>.


New version 3.50.1 will be published during the next few days. Only in case, trkpt will contains and navigation instructions, it will be converted to the waypoint. Otherwise, it will remain good old trackpoint as before.

Sorry for this minor issue.



Sounds to be a good solution. Many thanks again!


Thanks Menion - I didn't read through the discussion because of short time, but I hope my problem has the same reason and is solved very soonish with 3.50.1: all my saved (exported) tracks with previous versions have - when imported - thousands of black dots (waypoints?) in the track and I cannot switch off to show up - map zooming and everything is getting VERY SLOW in the app. Is this the same issue and solved with the new version or should I open a new thread?



it should be the same problem. New version will be published during next days so in case, it won't help (after re-import), let us know, thanks.

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