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Missing track pictogram

Henk van der Spek shared this question 4 years ago

In the screenshot the green arrow indicates a small green "start" pictogram. That indicates the start of a track (as the red one indicates the "finish").

But, in my present setup I am missing the green one. Instead the folder picto is shown. It happened (I think) after I played around with track-folder pictograms, changing them from the standard zig-zag line to a hiker-picto or for another folder a biker-picto.

So one question: how to get the green picto back?

Replies (6)


Hi Henk,

the green icon at the track/route start is displayed only when the track is not imported, recorded or planned in Locus. For example, when you add a GPX as a Map item (more at and it doesn't become a part of Locus internal database. When it is a part of Locus database, it has always an icon of the folder in which the track is saved.


Thank you for your answer Michael. I can offcourse confirm the present behaviour, but it sure has been different. It was like I write somewhere in the last half year, let's say version 3,45 or so. The green icon also pops-up whenI start a guidng or navigation along that route.

I just checked my old back-up phone with old Locus 3.26.2 and every track (imported gpx or recorded or whatever) shows the green and red flag (as in the screeshot from the startpost).

So as a workaround, is it possible for me personally to add the green picto as a folder pictogram?


Hi Henk,

yes it used to behave differently cca two years ago. But we resolved to mark the track start with the folder (=activity) pictogram instead of a generic icon so that the tracks are better distinguished among each other. And sorry, we don't make any personal changes in the app :) Thanks for understanding.


Oki, I know how to add my own icon-pack. Only searching for the proper green icon now. :)


Hello Henk,

here it is ;).


Wow, I will bring you a beer personally when we are allowed on the E3 again.

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