LM4 - How about LoMap sync?

JohnCNA shared this idea 3 years ago
Gathering feedback

I'm really liking the Sync feature of LM4 Gold. I would love to see an option to sync the LoMaps between devices, too. I often do my planning on my tablet and then it syncs to my phone for the trip. The last trip, I forgot to check that I had all the same states downloaded on my phone too. So once we got 500 miles from home, I discovered I was missing two of the states.

Maybe you don't have to actually use the sync process, but an option to check what's on one device and display an option to download the same maps on the second device. Or something like that.

Best Answer

This is not perfectly correct Andrew and to be true, it is something we already thought about. Because in the case of LoMaps (and few other maps), there is no need to transfer data from the device to the cloud. We only need to keep info, that a certain map is already downloaded on the device X and that should be offered also on the device Y.

Anyway compare to sync of points & tracks where the situation is pretty clear: all data on all devices, in the case of maps, it is not so simple.

Anyway, feel free to vote. This is something we may work on it little later ...

Replies (2)


John, sync of tracks and points is a relatively trivial amount of data to sync compared to a whole map.


This is not perfectly correct Andrew and to be true, it is something we already thought about. Because in the case of LoMaps (and few other maps), there is no need to transfer data from the device to the cloud. We only need to keep info, that a certain map is already downloaded on the device X and that should be offered also on the device Y.

Anyway compare to sync of points & tracks where the situation is pretty clear: all data on all devices, in the case of maps, it is not so simple.

Anyway, feel free to vote. This is something we may work on it little later ...

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