Quick points with picture

Nicolas Pablo De la Tierra shared this idea 3 years ago
Gathering feedback

Quick points templates should have option to activate camera for taking pictorial evidence. Pictorial evidence is important to those assessing conditions of routes, and for planning maintenance or considering alternative paths.

Replies (2)


Hello Nicolas,

in the app, there is an option to add a "Photo point" button into the functions panel. This allows to quickly add exactly this: photo points. Give it a try, it should be what you are looking for.



I know this is an old thread but I only just found it and would like to add my thoughts. I have the same requirement as the OP. I survey and assess mountain trails for maintenance purposes. I have defined a number of "domain-specific" Quick Points relating to features I want to log using Tracking so that the Quick Points are included in the GPX data as a waypoint along the track. I'm aware of the Photo point function and have tested it but as far as I can tell it is not quite what I want as it seems to create a standalone point which is not included as a waypoint in the GPX of the recorded track.

Maybe I have missed something but I really would find it useful to have the OPs suggestion of an option of taking a photo and linking it to a Quick Point at the moment I create the QP during Tracking. It would save a lot of manual correlation of Tracks, Quick Points and Photo Points back at my desk.


I stand corrected. I created a Photo Point whilst I was tracking a walk. The photo point was stored in Points > Favorites and the Track in Tracks > My Tracks. I exported the Track to GPX with the option Incl. descriptions and attachments. The export completion message said one track was exported but no points, hence my earlier statement that photo points appeared to be "standalone" and not included in the GPX of an exported track. However...

I looked in the html of the GPX file with a text editor and found that the photo point WAS in fact included as a waypoint element together with some image data which was, of course, undecipherable in my text editor.

As an acid test I deleted the original track and photo point in LocusMap and imported the previously exported GPX file and am happy to report that both the track and the photo point are now visible in LocusMap, although the photo point is now no longer listed as a standalone point under Points (which is fine for my purposes but maybe not for others who might wish to keep it as a standalone point.

So in summary I think by using Photo Points I can actually do what I want to do and export tracks as GPX files with any associated photo points embedded in the GPX data, which is very good to know. But I still think it would be nice to be able to take and link a photo to a Quick Point at the moment of creating the QP because of the nice template-based identification and labeling options QPs give you.

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