Show your own unpublished caches

Juha Sahakangas shared this idea 3 years ago
Gathering feedback

Sometimes, for example when preparing a trail, it would be very helpful to see your own unpublished caches on the map to enable quick overview of the entire area, see that you have moved them from preliminary placeholder coordinates to the final location, enable use of saturation limit circles, etc.

As far as I know, this information is available through the API as the Cachly app for iOS which is authorized does show them, and there is also an API-enabled web app capable of doing it.

Replies (1)


Hello Juha, interesting idea. Because I'm not a "cache-creator", I can't perfectly decide how much useful this feature may be. But from my point of view, isn't it a really rare case when something like this is needed? And if so, isn't mentioned web good enough to simply prepare GPX file with own unpublished caches from time to time?

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