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Remove two trailing decimal point characters from track/ route link sharing

Andrew Heard shared this problem 3 years ago

I've seen discussion of this bug somewhere, possibly the Locus forum. I can't find any Help Desk topic, but feel free to delete/ merge if found.

to reproduce bug:

Locus Map Web > existing track/ route > Share > Enable Sharing > observe there are two trailing decimal point characters, for example below:


if you then Copy to Clipboard > paste into email or browser, then attempt to navigate to this URL, Locus Map Web doesn't display the track/ route unless these two characters are manually deleted. Has caught me out a couple of times already when I've emailed someone the broken URL.

Surely it must be a very quick fix??

Replies (2)


mark as fixed please


Shortener service should be in use so this should be no longer an issue.

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