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Is Guidance with Locus Map Watch possible

Nicolai shared this question 3 years ago

Hello Locus Team,

I am thinking about buying a smartwatch (Locus Map Watch would be the main reason for that). And I wanted to know if it is possible with Locus Map Watch to do a guidance to a Geocache where it is showing me the direction and the distance to a point on the SmartWatch. I only read about classic navigation in the internet but nothing about guidance.

By the way: A complete documentation about Locus Map Watch would be useful.

Thanks in advance!

Replies (2)


That would be a usefull feature, when I last had a wearOS it didnt have compass/pointer so I had to use third part app called bearing to do that. but there wasnt any way to link locus to bearing as bearing used its own map system.


Hi, Locus Map Watch is just an external monitor of what is happening in the main app. Including guidance - it lets you see the guided point on your watch display and the guiding line to it.


Thanks for letting me know. That's what I wanted to hear :)

So if it is an external monitor, is it also possible to click on a Geocache on the map (with the Watch) and see the Cache details and the listing on the Watch?


Main thing thats missing is the compass/guidance arrow


Nicolai, not exactly - the watch screen shows what's on the Locus map screen, not information panels, buttons etc. The controlling of the main app is limited on the watch.


Alistair, the add-on is, unfortunately, suspended from development for some time due to lack of resources so no changes are expected to it in the near future. Sorry for that...


Hi Michal, thats fine, one reason why I went to an amazfit watch.


Nicolai, what might be better for you is to look at a watch running full android, not WearOS, like the Lemfo

main issue is reduced screen resolution, 640x480, ive tried LM4 in an emulator and it works but havent heard anyone use Locus on a full android watch yet...

I was going to go down route of planning and organising LM4 on a tablet and using lemfo when im out and suncing routes and points across, but I wanted decent camera so went back to phone.


@Alistair Parsons really interesting. Never heard of Full android watch before. But I think that there are more disadvantages than advantages with full android watches beacuse the apps that you use on these watches are not optimized for such small screens which also leads to a much smaller battery runtime caused by the missing optimization.

Therefore I would go for an Wear Os Watch like the TicWatch pro 3.

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