Shaping points get lost from saved Route Planner tracks

Tapio shared this problem 3 years ago

As reported in

I have a folder with many planned tracks, which have been created by Locus Route Planner. It happens that when I re-enter them via Route Planner, their (green) shaping points are mostly gone, there's only 3 of them. See attachment. The track itself is still functional. New shaping points have to be added in order to make changes. I can say 1/3 of all my tracks have lost their shaping points. I do not see a pattern yet.

Luce: With me, losing of shaping points happens in 75% of the cases in which I mix a routing profile with manual lines. Thats why I avoid using manual lines whenever possible. I also can't find a rule behind it, but it doesn't seem to have to do something with time. Often, I save a new route, then try to open it again because I want to change something, and all shaping points are gone.

CabrioTourer: Lost shaping points is a random but more or less regular problem for me. This year I always close Locus after route planning (and save track). At least this year no lost points. Don't know if this was just luck.

Slarty76: Same here. I also experience lost shaping points sometimes, but fail to see a pattern...

Replies (12)


My understanding is, shaping points are only stored in the track database, they only exist in the sql? table. They aren't e.g. exported to GPX files as additional data.

I did a very quick test now, just created a track, 7 SPs, saved, opened again: 3 Shaping points left.

New track, again 7 SPs, save, open again: all 7 SPs there. Really weird.

Something fishy on the database going on? Table entries not saving? I think we can only find something if we look at it via database tools... idk. I'm not too experienced there.


Hi Tapio,

thanks for the bug report here. I've read all posts on the forum as well and seems, the problem can't be easily simulated. I'm playing with it for some time now and it never happens to me. Meanwhile, I found a tiny issue when changing segments from any profile to manual during the edit. It may affect this as well, but most probably, it won't be a real cause.

I'll be watching it, but till we found the exact steps that lead to this reported issue, it is close to impossible to fix it for me.

Jiří M. aka Menion


Hi, I have the same problem.

My steps as the given problem to simulate:

I created a new track in the route planner, I saved it, I can see also the estimated time and intervals in the details of this track, I reopened this track again in the route planner, there were all shape points as in the original design, I modified it a little bit, I saved it again I agreed to overwrite the track and then in the track statistics I suddenly did not see the estimated time and the tab with the intervals was empty and the next time I reopened this track in the route planner, there were only the starting and ending shape points, all the others disappeared.



Hi Marek,

no matter what I do, I'm not able to simulate this issue, weird. I'll be watching it. There is currently nothing I may do with it. Thanks for understanding.


I still see it sporadically, but also still have no idea.


It happened to me atleast once, when a via-point disappeared after editing a track.

lG uk


I have got this issue too.

I just planned a route with 23 shaping points. After saving and open re-route only 9 are left. Moreover, some shaping points are moved along the route to places, where I never set one.

I did this several times now and the effect persists.

Locus 4, most current version.


I planned several routes this afternoon, all with Moretaine 20 shaping points.

After saving and opening with re-route, most of the points are missing.

It seems that the number of surviving shaping points is always 9.


LOL, no, I definitely witnessed different numbers of survivors.


You are probably right.

Yesterday I re-opened a 400km long route, I started to plan last month.

Most of the shaping points were gone, whereas the via points are all present.

I created a new shaping point and after saving and re-openening suddenly all other missing shaping points are there again.


It happened again.

I just planned a cycling route in burgundy of 66 km length. It had 22 shaping points.

I re-opened the route in order to fine tune the route and it collapsed totally. Only 11 shaping points are left.

Is this thread still attended to by Locus officials?


Have the same issue persistently.


And it happend again.

I planned several routes now during my stay in France and all was fine

But today, all of a sudden, half of the SP vanished from the saved route.

Is there something I can do to provide debug infos?

I am running Locus as a service.

I stopped and restarted it, cleared the cache, but withoit success.


Hello Walther,

sorry to read this issue still exists. I'm trying to simulate it again and unfortunately no success on my side. Because it happens to you quite often, are you able to simulate this issue? Maybe a short video where I'll see the exact steps that I should replicate on my own device? Thanks.


Hello Menion,

unfortunately I cannot predict when it happens, because I can notice it only when I re-open a route.

As far as I can see, there is nothing special with these routes.

It has nothing to do with the device - it happens on my phhone and likewise on my tablet.

And the phenomenon seems also not to depend on a current state, because I can plan another route then without the effect. And the settings are all the same.

This is indeed very odd.


Hi Menion,

I wonder whether it happens while saving the route or when opening it for re-route.

I can't figure out where and how SPs are saved in the databases. I would like to check whether all SPs are present after saving.


Complicated task, also mainly because I've never noticed this issue by myself 🤨.

Checking of the content is also complicated. Plan from the Route planner is serialized in the binary object in the "extraData" column.


Anyway, I have at least something we may start with. With the latest app version it is possible to share routes from the app over our server (route detail > share> Share URL link). This method share an almost binary identical copy of route to what you have in your device.

So if you re-open any saved route in the route planner and notice this issue, immediately return back without any saving and share this track with me here! Thanks


Ok, will do.

Are the SPs serialized in JSON format?

Viele Grüße

Walther Schubert


Hello guys,

sorry for a longer time without the reaction from my side. Is this still a problem in the latest app versions? If so, we now have a simpler option to test it.

If you have a track, that when opening in the Route planner over the "Re-route" button, lost some shaping/via points, please just in the route detail tap on share > Share by link. This will share a binary-identical copy of your route over the link, so also with the internally saved plan. So I may analyze it. Thanks.


Hi Menion,

it happend again:




Hello Walther,

I'm trying to clean some unfinished tasks and found this one, sorry.
Is this problem still valid? I'm testing your link and it opens a route with 8 via points, that seems correct to me.

During last half of the year, I've not noticed such problem, so it looks like the issue is solved now.


Hi Menion,

I did not encounter this issue either in the last couple of month. And I planned a lot cycling trips.

The last time this happens was actually this route which I sent you for your analysis.

I think you can close the issue. I will keep you noticed once it happens again.

Season's greetings


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