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No Updates for Routing Data

freischneider shared this problem 2 years ago
Not a Problem

There are no more updates for routing data .rd5

My last status is 31.12.2021

I have also already disabled the automatic. Restarted and then activated 4 days. No change

Also manual search for updates brings no result.

Replies (1)


Hi all,

Sorry for this inconvenience. Next generation of routing tiles is scheduled to be generated and distributed today, so web planer will update tomorrow morning, app should have new data available this evening. Next run is currently scheduled on 27th.

A bit of explanation: we have been recently migrating to a new computing environment, which is more powerful. In the future updates should return to more frequent schedule (but not daily, this is not necessary IMO). But these days I finalize another resource heavy system and I often manage tasks ad-hoc manually in order to utilize resources. Thanks for patience, this is not a failure. Radim.

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