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Offer track distance as metadata in Track name format

Andrew Heard shared this idea 3 years ago

settings > Track recording > Recording profile > Track name format > Add: current options are:


I was considering adding track distance into my recorded track filenames, for example "20220306-36km.gpx". This could be accomplished automatically with template {t}-{distance}km instead of manually renaming the file after saving. Useful?

Replies (7)


Hi Andrew,

I'll keep this idea open for voting, anyway have to ask: is this really useful for you? If so, why? Because this distance value is directly visible in the list, correctly formatted by the currently set units.


Hi Menion,

Yes it would be quite useful for me, maybe others. It was just a minor suggestion though. It seems to fit nicely with the other metadata options. My master library of all tracks & routes, mine & others, is kept on a Windows PC server, not in Locus. It is easier & safer to manage there. I manually add the distance into the Windows filenames at present when I export a recorded track, which provide nice historical info. See below:



Oki oki, thanks for the explanation.

So next version ...


no other votes ;-(

but thanks for the addition ;-)


Menion, any chance the distance could be an integer rather than with one decimal place (see my 1st screen cap)? For example "track_12.3km.gpx" now has two decimal characters which isn't so good for some Windows filenames. But I anticipate your reply that you already considered one decimal a good compromise between shorter & longer track distances, and maybe some walkers will later request 2 or more decimals. The usual "can of worms".

Also it could help if {dist} is displayed in the Result say as "0km", so below example would then become "20220318-AJH-0km walk"


For my interest, with imperial units, is "km" replaced by "miles"? Maybe for short distances the metric units are "metres" not "km", and this eliminates the decimal issue, but you are welcome to suggest I have too much time on my hands for wasting your time ;-)


Thanks for the feedback, Andrew. Oki, I made a few more improvements, so it will be ready for test in the next bigger 4.8 version. Thanks.


Excellent. This comment is too late, but I've noticed with version 4.7.0, short distances have 1 decimal, but a longer distance (300km) had 0 decimals.


This is expected Andrew. App has own "distance formatter" that is used everywhere (panels, dashboard, ...) and it behave like this. I've used it here as well. Anyway in next version I'll use modified version of this formatter with hopefully little better logic :). You will see ...

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