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Recorded tracks missing

Virag Szabo shared this question 2 years ago

I circumcycled my country, and recorded all tracks in Locus Map Pro. My phone is gone (not possible to turn it on), and I don't have the recorded tracks in the app on my new phone. Is all my data lost? Crying.

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Complete independent from any app or program, for their data there is a golden rule:

The 3-2-1 backup rule is an easy-to-remember acronym for a common approach to keeping your data safe in almost any failure scenario. The rule is: keep at least three (3) copies of your data, and store two (2) backup copies on different storage media, with one (1) of them located offsite. To clarify, let’s take a look at each point of this rule.


Applied to Locus that means:

#1 is on internal memory

#2 can be backup on ext SD card

#3 is Cloud storage (either explicit or via LM4 synch feature)

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