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Missing three dot menu in waypoint

AntMadeira shared this problem 23 months ago

Hi there.

Since a few weeks ago, when I press a waypoint in the map, the three dot icon on the lower right corner doesn't appear on 80% of the times. I need to tap the waypoint two times for it to appear.

Is this a known problem?


Replies (3)



yes, this is a known problem. We're investigating its origin. However, it's quite difficult as it can't be 100% simulated.


Have you tested it with the latest version? We've made some improvements in this regarding both tracks and points. The three dot menu is usually missing when the waypoint is considered temporary.


Hi, Michal.

I've version 4.9.2 and it happens, not on temporary points (it's rare to use them), but on my personal/added points. It seems to happen less than before, though.

I can not find a pattern, but if I find it, I'll comunicate.

Here's a screen from a point in my database without the three dot menu.

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