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Geocaching: DNF logged caches do not show up on map

Stefan Nussbaum shared this problem 2 years ago

Dear Support, when I log a geocache with a DNF, the cache on the map does not change to a blue sad smilie, instead, it still looks like a non visited cache

Replies (8)


Please find 3 screenshots to see more about the issue


I found that the display is correct as long as I keep my local log (I usually keep my drafts, and upload them for online logging later). If I delete my local draft, the status of the geocache is lost as mentioned in the original post for this bug. Even if I update the (allready online DNF logged) geocache or download it new by Geocaching live map, the status is the default icon for the type of geocache.


Hello Zdenek

this is not a useful advice, because Arcao is not active anymore for a long time.

Please discuss with menion how to proceed, as this is not the only problem with this addon.


Hi guys,

I'll try to help here. This issue is not connected to G4L as the logging system is completely in Locus apps (fortunately).

Unfortunately, I'm unable to simulate this issue.

My steps, so please correct me on what anyone of you does differently:

  • import a fresh bunch of caches over G4L into the app database
  • click on the single cache on the map, tap log
  • "Log offline", choose DNF
  • the icon is changed and the log is correctly registered in the "Logs manager".


Caches which got a DNF log by yourself sometimes created strange results in the past - depending on the method you update your Caches. Maybe your problem is the same or similar to those posted in former threads:


Hi Stefan, Sonny

with the recent Locus Map 4 version, the app is able to import caches directly from the server > so without the need for the Geocaching4Locus add-on.

Because of this, I would like to fix any remaining problems around geocaching. Is mentioned problem still actual? Is there something I may test? Because I have no answer from Stefan regards my comment below.


Hello Menion. Unfortunately I cannot let you an answer right now, as I don't have enough time for geocaching currently. I would say close the request, an in case I'm struggling again next time, I would let you know. Thanks for investigating, I wish a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! 😊


Hello, oki, thanks.

This topic will remain unlocked for a year, so feel free to write me if there will be any issues in the future.

Merry Christmas as well :)

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