Dispaly of Path/Track Names in Routing List

jtkorken shared this idea 2 years ago
Gathering feedback

Hello Locus-Team,

don't know if I'm missing something, but in constrast to Routing results on ROADS, routing on Tracks/Paths does not display known (?) track/path names in the Routing List...only "Unknown Road". Can this be improved? Names should be known by Locus based on OSM-Data? For me it would be a very interesting feature, to learn more about the planned route upfront in order to make myself aquaint with the route details like hiking path names.

Thanks a lot, James

Replies (2)


In 90% of the cases, no names are maintained in OSM. Therefore, this does not make much sense.


Hello, in case, you have downloaded LoMaps with offline addresses, the app should try to find names of roads along the route and use it. In case, the name is still missing, the question is if the road really has some name. If you have any place where this does not work, please share coordinates and I'll verify it, thanks.

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