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Locus Wear crashing shared this problem 2 years ago

Sorry for the vague report, but let me try: Locus Wear is crashing repeatedly on the phone, as reported by the Android system.

Setup: OnePlus 8T with Locus Classic latest, Locus Map Watch 1.2.0, and the watch: a new Ticwatch Pro 3 GPS Ultra. The OSes on phone and watch are standard, latest from suppliers. Android11 on Phone, Android 9 (Wear OS3) on watch.

Want to add that I consider myself a heavy user for years of using Locus apps and also using watches. The effect I think is occurring: I am biking and want to look at watch, so I turn my arm and wrist: the screen appears with the map and it is stuck for some seconds. Also the navigation info is not yet shown. I wait for many seconds and then the navigation info might appear, or not. I turn wrist back and repeat it all: now the nav info might appear. I think meanwhile the Wear app has been restarted and finally starts sending data to watch.

I was puzzled why my hip new equipment (new phone, new watch) was 'so slow' in showing the Nav info. I now understand that the Wear app is repeatedly crashing/restarting, which explains.

I did not try to downgrade to the prev Wear app version. Also, this setup is original, not rooted, so hard time for me to retrieve the Android logging.

Hope this is enough of a report for you guys to have a look and fix it. Tnx !

Replies (20)


After writing this report I decided to start testing myself: as the Ticwatches are great watches, still the step to WearOS4 has not been made yet, still stuck on WearOS3. So it should be ok to downgrade Locus Wear to the previous one.

I removed Locus Wear from Watch and from phone. On the backups of my old (rooted) phones I found Locus Wear 1.1.6 and installed that on phone and watch.

This setup also works: the app starts smoothly on the watch. Even better, it is A LOT smoother: I turn my watch and bang, it is there. Just as I expect with a Ticwatch Ultra.

I now start to think something went bad in Locus Wear 1.2.0 for my setup. I will test some more and report back to you.

EDIT: I used it for some time now: I think this app downgrade does the trick for me: the watch now responds very fast: I turn my wrist and immediately all info is there, the map, incl Nav info. Also zooming in/out is now immediately, also that was stuttering with the latest Wear app.


I went out for some jogging and have put the Locus Wear 1.1.6 to the test: works like a charm, fast and responsive. For me it is clear there is something wrong (for me) using Locus Wear 1.2.0.


Not sure it is comparable because I only use guidance mode. But I sometimes had problems where the position on the watch was not updated or the map material was not updated and it did only show an empty grid. As well I sometimes had the error message that there was no connection to the mobile, but the watch was still connected.


Adding a detail I noticed yesterday (and totally surprised me): the phone is stating version 1.1.6 of Locus Wear, while the watch is stating 1.2.0. Euh??? I also do not want to touch the setup right now, because it works perfectly for me. Turn the watch to activate the screen and bang: it shows the map, route, all. Just as it should :)


I bought myself a smartwatch for outdoor navigation and I face similar issues.

When navigating or in guidance mode, Locus Wear seems to crash regularly. This is reported by Android system and also it "feels" like it (delays as described above). And the biggest issue - the (phone's) battery lasts only half a day then. Without watch navigation / guidance it's a full day.

Recording tracks via watch is working fine.

Setup: Samsung Galaxy A52, Android 12 + Galaxy Watch 4 Classic, WearOS 3.2

Help is very much appreciated. With the current battery usage it's not really practically usable. Many thanks :)


Any idea when pushing that new version of Locus Wear to Playstore? Do you want me to test the update beforehand?


Hi guys,

few months already I'm trying to publish the new version on Google Play but the version is always rejected, so no success so far, sorry.

For the brave and skilled users, versions are available for download and manual install in our testing Google Drive directory (next to Locus Map 4 Beta versions), so feel free to try it and let me know if finally works as expected.


Hi, wow, didn't know it can be such a big deal to upload stuff on Play Store...

Thanks for the link! I think I'd like to give it a try but I'm wondering - this is the main Locus app and not the Wear Plugin, isn't it?

Also I'm wondering, what's the difference between the two files?

Many thanks!


Ah, I'm stupid, sorry guys, wrong link.

The correct link on the latest public wear add-on is here ("wear" directory). Sorry once more.


Many thanks, Menion! I've installed version 1.4.2 and will test it in the upcoming weeks... First impression: Looks good! :)


Hey Manuel,

I am not super firm with adb commands.

So i would

adb connect <ip>

adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0

adb install -s <ip> name.apk

? How would I find out the package name?

thanks. Finn


Hey Finn, check this out: (Chapter 1.3.) That makes it easy. :) Don't forget to switch off ADB debugging afterwards.


Hi Menion and Locus Map Dev Team,

unfortunately the 1.4.2. version does not work for me. On the watch I noticed it's not possible to zoom out. (One click works out but if I go further, the map just appears tiny and the area around is black.)

But also my phone keeps on reporting error messages. "Wear for Locus is crashing repeatedly" and "Wear for Locus is not working properly, please clear cache" and in the end "Wear for Locus is not working correctly. Please wait for an update provided by the developer."

(Note: My Android is in German, the sentences above are free translations.)

So I think I'll go back to 1.4.0.

I'm absolutely looking forward to another update. I really want to use this watch plug in. :)

If I can help in any way to make things happen, please let me know. :)


Hello Manuel,

thank you very much for your tests. I do not simply understand why app works correctly to me, weird.

Do you have still this version installed? If so, may you play with it a little and after you notice one or two crashes on the Android device, please try to create a debug log by this method: . It is a little bit complicated, but such log may contain information why the device part crashes. Thank you very much!


Hi Menion,

thanks for your reply! I'll have a look and see it I can create the log. It might just take a week or so.

Have a nice weekend!


I now see version 1.4.3 in the 'wear' directory on google drive: is that fixing for above issue that Manuel reported on?


I hope so. I've during testing found a one possible problem that was causing it, but can't say it on 100%. If you find a moment, test will be more then welcome. Thank you!


Just gave it a 5 mins try and the whole zooming and everything seems to work so much better than ever before. I'll try it bit more in the upcoming days.

Thanks, Menion!


Hello Menion. The zoom bug in Guidance mode is fixed with version 1.43. Thank you.

Locus Map Watch is getting so important. Don't stop improving it!


I've done a few tests (no proper hikes, but still) as well and it seems like it's working well now.

Just for the sake of interest: What's been going on?

Also from my behalf - Locus Map Watch is amazing if it works smoothly, please don't stop working on it.

Thanks again, Menion (& team?!)


Hello, these are really good news. Thanks to all of you for the tests!

Previous versions used some no-longer supported codes and I also wanted to migrate part of code from Java to the new modern Kotlin language and it brought some additional issues, sorry for that.

So now only a single problem remains to solve > how to force Google to accept updates. But it is problem on our side...


Hi Menion, just a matter of curiosity, did you then solve the problems with Google Play store updates?

Because I was reading on Reddit that another developer wasn't able to submit his APK and he didn't get any reason/response on the causes. Maybe it's the same issue.


Hi, no, not yet. Fifth attempt also failed with only generic response


And every attempt to get more info ends again with the "App does not work as described" ... omg.

I'll try it later again with hope, some other guy will be sitting behind the desk and will be willing to share more info ...


Thanks for updating the apps works a lot better, even on my older ticwatch pro 2020! HOpe to see more updates coming.


I accidentally updated wear on my phone and things stopped working, as I had mixed versions somehow on Phone vs TicWatch: so I went to the download and saw that 1.5.0 was placed there a few days ago: installed on both phone and Watch (apk adb sideloaded) and yes: I am back in business again with flashy fast watch. Hope you get it all pushed to appstore soon.


Google is annoying with this behaviour with the Wear Play Store and the devs.


Hey I see that you uploaded new Versions I installed 1.51 and it works. If you let us know what you fixed I can Beta test it.

I opened another tracker concerning orientation and zoom. Zoom while in guideance mode has been fixed but orientation when waking the watch screen still ist north until location is updated.

Any news for that?


Hi guys,

The Wear add-on has been in Friday finally published on Google Play (11th attempt). I hope, most of the serious problems are fixed now. Thanks for your patience.


Yep, found the update via the Playstore: version 1.5.3. It updated OK on phone and then on watch as well. I biked once and the wear app behaved OK on my Ticwatch. Nice!


For me the orientation after the watch wakes up ist always north even though I set the watch to auto orient itself in moving direction. Does that happen with you too?


Also I notice that the view on the watch is not flawless indeed: when I wake it up it can be zoomed in suddenly and then it restores again. But that is not too disturbing (for me). About the auto orient: I never use that, so cannot say/confirm.


Could you check? For me that is somethin I really enjoy when cycling and I would like to know if it is singular?

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