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Adding E-mail/Phone/URL to point: Field selection hidden behind keyboard and out of screen

Georg D shared this problem 2 years ago

In Locus 3.61.0 (same in older versions) I open one of my personal points, call edit, do something in the description and scroll down to button "add another field" & press it. Now, the pop up menu allowing to select E-mail, Phone or URL does appear but that pop-up menu is

  1. always behind the on-screen-keyboard (in my case AnySoftKeyboard v1.11-r1)
  2. below screen bottom if description is longer

See videos

The workaround is to first close the keyboard, then press button "add another field" – but it's nasty to run again and again into the bug, hence the report.

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In v3.65.1 I can not reproduce the issue any more – thank you 🙂

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