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Problem with Opted Out geocache owner.

JohnCNA shared this problem 2 years ago
Not a Problem

Geocaching web site is fine, Geocaching app is fine, but Locus displays 'Opted Out User' and blanks out the owner log messages.

Problem exists in both Live view as well as when viewing from a GPX imported list.

Locus 4.10.0

Replies (2)


Hmmm - I posted in the Groundspeak forums and the issue is with the Groundspeak API. So, no problem with Locus after all.

Weird option, though. Web site and their own app shows all the user info. But none of the authorized API apps will.


Hello John,

thank you for your info. I think we noticed this weird setting some time ago ... well, seems that Groupspeak (still) provides a better service for its own app than for official API clients ... not a big surprise.

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